Calathea plant

Calathea plant: Varieties, Benefits, and How to Care Guide

Are you struggling to find the perfect plant for your home? We understand that it can be tasking to select a suitable plant among the many varieties available. A Calathea plant would be a suitable choice if you are looking for an ornamental plant that adds elegance to your home.

This plant has air-purifying abilities that make it ideal for removing allergens from indoor air. Calathea plants have Feng Shui value that enhances your mental well-being and brings peace and harmony to your home. Keep reading to find out more.

What is Calathea?

Calathea is a flowering plant available in many varieties. This plant belongs to the Marantaceae family and originates from tropical regions of America. Calathea plants are also commonly referred to as Zebra plants, Rattlesnake plants, or Prayer plants. Calatheas get the name Prayer plant from their uniquely patterned foliage that opens up during the day and closes like Praying hands at night.

This popular houseplant adds glamor and charm to your house with its attractive foliage. You can choose a plant that adds personality to your home among the different Calathea varieties available.

Do Calatheas flower?

Yes. Calatheas produce beautiful blooms in shades of orange, purple, white, or yellow. Calathea Crocata produces beautiful orange blooms that add color to your home. Indoor Calatheas rarely produce flowers but can bloom when grown in ideal conditions. You can encourage your plant to bloom by providing enough water, lighting, and humidity. Feeding your plant can also encourage flowering.  

Why is Calathea called prayer plant?

Calathea is called Prayer plant due to the movement of its leaves. The plant’s leaves open up during the day and fold at night like praying hands. Sometimes you might hear the leaves rustling as they open up or close up. The movement of Calathea’s leaves makes the plant stand out.

How big do Calatheas get?

How big a Calathea grows depends on the growing conditions. Most Calathea varieties can grow between 2-3 feet tall and wide indoors. Outdoors, Calatheas can reach up to 4 feet tall. Its compact size makes Calathea Prayer plant ideal for small spaces. You can place your Calathea plant on your coffee table or on a customized shelf to add ornamental value.  

Benefits of Calathea plants

Growing a Calathea plant indoors has several benefits including:

Purifies the air

The Calathea plant is one of the best air-purifying plants that improve indoor air quality. This plant gets rid of harmful toxins from the air and provides you with fresh oxygen at night. If you have respiratory issues, a Calathea plant would be ideal for your bedroom.

Provides decorative value

Calathea is an ornamental plant that adds aesthetic value to your home. The plant’s leaves are finely decorated with unique patterns that add a touch of elegance and class to your interior décor. You can choose a plant that blends well with your décor.

Calathea plant varieties

Calathea Prayer plants are available in different sizes, shapes, and colors. Below are different types of Calathea houseplant varieties that you can grow in your home.

Calathea lancifolia

Also known as the Rattlesnake plant, the Calathea lancifolia is quite a sight to behold. This plant has colorful foliage that adds color to your home. The Calathea lancifolia has long narrow light-green leaves with distinctive dark-green splotches that resemble a rattlesnake’s skin.

Calathea orbifolia

Calathea orbofolia, also known as the Round-Leaf Calathea, is a unique Calathea Prayer plant variety with attractive foliage. The plant features large, broad green leaves with silvery streaks. This plant would make a colorful addition to your indoor plant collection.

Calathea ornata

Also known as the Pinstripe plant, Calathea ornata is a popular ornamental plant that you can grow indoors. This plant has distinctive foliage that makes a statement in your home. Calathea ornata has large broad green leaves with pink pinstripes and maroon-purple undersides.

Calathea makoyana

The Calathea Makoyana or Peacock plant is an eye-catching Calathea variety with unique foliage. This plant improves your interior décor adding color and personality to your home. The plant has large dark green and purple foliage with dark-green splotches and lime-green feathery stripes that resemble a Peacock’s feathers.

Calathea roseopicta

Another popular Calathea variety that adds charm to your home is the Calathea roseopicta. This plant has several cultivars with striking foliage. The common Calathea roseopicta has large broad oval leaves with dark-green and purple undersides. The leaves have distinct patterns in light green, dark-green and creamy shades.

Calathea Zebrina

The Calathea Zebrina or Zebra plant is a fascinating Calathea Prayer plant variety with attractive foliage. The plant features broad oval dark-green leaves with a velvet-like texture. This plant gets its name from the prominent light green stripes on the leaves’ surface. This plant would make a beautiful indoor plant in your home.

Calathea crocata

The Calathea Crocata is also known as the Eternal Fire Flame plant due to its bright orange flowers. This rare houseplant bursts with color and brightens up any room in your home. The Calathea Crocata has dark-green leaves with maroon-purple undersides.

Calathea warscewiczii

Also known as the Jungle Velvet plant, Calathea warscwewiczii is a striking Calathea houseplant variety that would look ravishing in your home. This plant has lance-shaped dark-green leaves with a velvety texture. The plant’s leaves have a light-green herringbone pattern in the middle.

Calathea rufibarba

The Calathea Rufibarba, also known as Furry Feather or Velvet Calathea is a unique houseplant you can grow in your home. While it lacks colorful variegation like other plants, the plant is still fascinating and beautiful. This plant has long narrow green leaves with purple undersides.

Calathea musaica  

The Calathea musaica is also known as the Network plant due to its uniquely patterned leaves. This plant has large-lance-shaped leaves with dark green and light green variegation that resembles a mosaic. The plant makes a bold statement in any space.

How do you take care of a Calathea Prayer plant?

For your Calathea plant to thrive, you need to provide the right growing conditions. Here is how to care for a Calathea plant.  

Calathea plant light

Like other houseplants, Calathea needs light to thrive. Consider placing your Calathea in a spot that receives adequate lighting.

Does Calathea need sunlight?

Yes. Calathea needs sunlight to flourish. Calathea houseplants prefer bright filtered light to thrive and maintain their unique variegation. Direct bright light will scorch your plant’s leaves. To avoid this, you can place your plant several feet away from the window when the sun is too hot.

Your plant will open up its leaves to absorb sunlight. When the leaves are not fully open, it could be a sign that your plant is not receiving adequate lighting. Try to rotate your plant to ensure it absorbs light evenly.

Can Calathea survive in low light?  

Yes. Calathea can survive in low-light conditions but can’t tolerate complete darkness. In low-light conditions, your Calathea will grow slowly or even stop growing entirely. In a dull corner, your plant might also lose its unique variegation. For the best results, try to find a spot that receives indirect bright sunlight.

Can I put Calathea by a window?

Yes. You can place your Calathea beside a window provided it doesn’t receive direct sunlight. You can use curtain sheers to shield your plant from the scorching sunlight rays. Alternatively, you can consider placing your plant several feet away from the window. A position near a south-facing or west-facing window would be perfect for your plant.

Calathea plant water

When it comes to water, Calathea plants can be a little demanding. However, your plant will do just fine with enough moisture. Regularly water your plant to keep the soil slightly moist but not soggy. Overwatering leads to waterlogging which causes root rot.

What is the best way to water Calathea?

The best way to water a Calathea is from the top. Bottom-watering encourages salt and mineral build-up in the soil. Here is how to water a Calathea plant.

  • Water your Calathea near the base of its stem just above the soil’s surface
  • Ensure the soil is evenly moist
  • Allow the excess water to drain from the soil completely
  • Discard the excess water from the saucer

How often do you water Calatheas?

How often you need to water a Calathea plant depends on how fast it dries out. Water your plant when the top 2 inches of the soil feel dry. You can use your finger or a moisture meter to check for dryness. You might need to water your plant more often during summer and spring than during winter. Other factors that determine how often you should water your plant include:

  • Humidity
  • Soil type
  • Humidity
  • Light intensity
  • Planter material

Can I water my Calathea with tap water?

No. We don’t recommend watering your Calathea with tap water. Tap water contains minerals and salts that can damage your plant. Tap water causes brown leaf tips and margins. The best water for a Calathea plant is distilled or filtered water. You can also leave tap water in an open jar overnight. Salts will evaporate from the tap water making it safe for your plant.

What does an overwatered Calathea look like?

An overwatered Calathea shows the following signs.

  • Yellow leaves
  • Soft mushy leaves and stems
  • Drooping leaves
  • Healthy and old leaves dropping at the same time

Do Calatheas like to be wet?

No. Calatheas don’t like damp conditions. Instead, they prefer consistently moist conditions. When the soil gets too wet, your Calathea might develop root rot and die. Avoid overwatering your Calathea to prevent root rot and other fungal diseases.  

How do I know when my Calathea needs water?

To know when to water your Calathea, check the soil. If the top 2 inches of the soil feel dry, water your plant. When your plant becomes too dry, its leaves will begin to curl and develop brown edges. The leaves might also turn yellow. When this happens, you should consider watering your plant. To prevent under-watering, don’t allow the soil to dry up completely.

Calathea plant soil type

Most Calathea plants thrive in well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. You can add peat moss and sand to your potting soil to improve drainage. This plant also prefers neutral or slightly acidic soil that can retain some moisture.

What soil does Calathea like?

Calathea prefers loose fast-draining soil that remains moist. The soil should also have ample nutrients. The perfect potting mix for Calathea should have aeration materials like bark or perlite. You can also enhance drainage using vermiculite or perlite. Organic mulch or chipped bark can improve moisture retention. Compost adds the necessary nutrients your plant needs to thrive.

Calathea humidity and temperature

Most Calathea houseplants need moderate temperatures and humidity to flourish. The ideal temperature range for your Calathea plant is between 70 and 80 degrees. Temperatures below 60 degrees will harm your plant.

You can increase humidity indoors by using a tray filled with gravel and water. Alternatively, you can use a humidifier. Try not to mist your plant as it might develop fungal problems.

Can Calathea survive in low humidity?

No. Calathea does not tolerate low humidity levels. The lowest humidity level a Calathea can tolerate is about 50%. For the best results, you should keep humidity levels above 60%.

Do Calatheas like being in the bathroom?

Yes. Calatheas like humid areas and would flourish in your bathroom. These plants can also adapt to various lighting conditions in your bathroom. Your plant will do just fine in medium to bright indirect sunlight.

Does Calathea like cold?

No. Calathea does not tolerate cold conditions. Instead, this plant thrives in warm temperatures ranging from about 65 to 85 degrees. Temperatures below 60 degrees might damage your Calathea plant. The plant might begin losing its leaves and die eventually. Try to keep your plant away from air vents and drafty windows or doors.

Calathea fertilizer

Calathea needs regular feeding to remain healthy. Try to feed your plant at least once monthly during the growing season to encourage growth.

What fertilizer does Calathea need?

The best fertilizer for a Calathea plant is an all-purpose balanced fertilizer. A fertilizer with a Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium (NPK) ratio of 10-10-10 or 20-20-20 would be perfect for your plant. Nitrogen promotes healthy leaf growth, Phosphorous encourages blooming and germination while Potassium promotes overall plant growth.

How often should you feed Calathea?

On average, you should consider feeding your plant bi-monthly or monthly during spring and summer. Avoid fertilizing your Calathea during winter. Be careful not to over-fertilize your plant to prevent damage.

What is homemade fertilizer for Calathea?

Homemade fertilizer for Calathea includes organic materials such as aquarium water, eggshells, coffee grounds, worm castings, bone meal, and others. You can opt to use homemade fertilizer to feed your Calathea.   

Repotting Calathea plants

Calathea plants don’t like to be root bound. It would be best to re-pot your plant occasionally when it outgrows its container. The best time to re-pot your plant is during spring or summer. Before re-potting your plant, you can water it to avoid stressing it.

How do you know when to repot Calathea?

A root-bound Calathea will begin to show signs of stress despite receiving good care. Here are some signs you should watch out for.

  • The plant is growing slower than usual or stops growing altogether
  • Roots are protruding from the drainage holes or showing above the soil’s surface
  • Leaves are wilting
  • Leaves are turning yellow or brown
  • The plant’s foliage is larger than the planter
  • The plant topples over easily

How to repot Calathea

You will need a hand trowel, fresh potting mix, and a larger container to repot your Calathea. Here is how you repot a Calathea plant.

  • Tilt the container to the side and gently remove your plant
  • You can squeeze the sides of your container to loosen the soil
  • Gently loosen the roots from the potting mix
  • Try not to disturb the roots too much unless necessary. Loosening the roots can make it difficult for your Calathea to recover after repotting
  • Examine the roots and trim off dead or damaged ones
  • Add fresh potting soil to about 1/3 of your container
  • Place your plant in the container
  • Lightly pack the remaining soil to secure your plant in place
  • Water your plant and place it in a well-lit spot


What kind of pots does Calathea like?


Plastic, terracotta, or ceramic pots with enough drainage holes would make excellent choices. Your pot should be spacious enough to hold your plant’s roots. When repotting your Calathea, choose a pot that is 1 or 2 sizes larger than your current container.

Propagating Calathea plants

You can easily propagate a Calathea plant by division. Before propagating your plant, ensure it is healthy and mature, preferably more than 2 years old.  

How to propagate Calathea by division

  • Gently lift your plant from the soil and free up the roots
  • Carefully divide the roots by teasing them apart
  • Plant the separate clumps in fresh well-draining soil
  • Water your plants and place them near an adequate light source

Can Calathea be propagated in water?

Yes. You can propagate Calathea in water. However, we don’t recommend growing Calathea in water. This plant is best suited to grow in soil. After dividing your plant, you can propagate your divisions in water until the roots are healthy and mature. Once the roots have formed fully, you can transfer your plant into fresh potting soil.

Can you grow Calathea from cuttings?

No. You can’t grow Calathea from leaf cuttings or stem cuttings. The plant’s leaves or stems can’t develop roots or grow into an independent plant. The only way to propagate Calathea is through division. You can use offshoots or divide the mother plant into separate clumps.

Where do you cut Calathea to propagate?

To propagate Calathea, you need to cut the root system. Gently loosen the roots of your Calathea plant and divide them into separate clumps. Ensure the roots are healthy and each clump contains several leaves that are attached to a stem. You can then repot the clumps in separate containers using well-draining soil.

Pruning Calathea plants

Calathea plants don’t need pruning to remain healthy. However, you can still get rid of damaged leaves to keep your plant looking glamorous at all times.

Should I cut off brown edges on Calathea?

Yes. You should trim off brown leaf edges to keep your plant looking its best and encourage new growth. If an entire leaf is damaged, cut it off at its base. Use clean sharp scissors or pruning shears to make clean cuts. Using bunt tools can damage your plant’s tissues and encourage diseases.

Calathea plants pests and diseases

Calathea plants can attract several pests such as fungus gnats, mealybugs, aphids, spider mites, and more. You can easily get rid of these pests by using pesticides or insecticidal soap. Your Calathea plant is also susceptible to fungal diseases such as Leaf Spot. To remedy the situation, use a fungicide and avoid overhead watering.

What diseases do Calatheas get?

Calathea is prone to some fungal and bacterial diseases. Some of these diseases include:

  • Botrytis
  • Leaf Spot disease
  • Root Rot
  • Powdery Mildew
  • Rust
  • Southern Blight

Calathea diseases can cause leaf spots, discolorations, and rot. If you discover the signs early, you can save your plant. Remove the infected plant parts and treat your Calathea with the right fungicide depending on what disease your plant has.

How do I get rid of mites on Calathea?

If your plant has spider mites, you can eliminate them using neem oil, rubbing alcohol, or insecticidal soaps. Consider isolating your Calathea plant from other houseplants to prevent the spider mites from spreading. For serious infestations, you can use pesticides to get rid of spider mites.

Calathea toxicity

Is Calathea poisonous?

The good news is; all Calathea houseplant varieties are pet-friendly. Calathea is one of the non-toxic plants to cats, dogs, and humans. These non-toxic indoor plants provide a safe environment for your pets without the risk of poisoning. However, you will still need to place your plant away from your playful pets as they might destroy it.

Is Calathea toxic to cats?

No. Calathea is not poisonous to cats. This pet-friendly plant is safe to grow around your cat. You don’t have to worry about the health of your cat when growing a Calathea plant indoors. However, cats can be playful and end up damaging your beautiful plant. Consider placing your plant away from your cat.

Is Calathea toxic to dogs?

No. Calathea is a pet-safe plant that you can enjoy growing around your dog. You don’t have to panic when your pet nibbles on your plant. instead, you should consider keeping your dog away from your plant as it might destroy it.


Calathea plants are the most popular ornamental houseplants that breathe new life into your home. Growing a Calathea plant indoors is relatively easy under the right conditions. All you have to do is provide adequate water, light, humidity, and temperature for your plant to thrive. Each Calathea prayer plant variety is different from the next and you can choose a plant that aligns best with your needs. For more information, reach out to us today.


Is Calathea a good indoor plant?

Yes. Calathea is a great indoor plant that adds class and beauty to your home. With proper growing conditions, a Calathea plant maintains its unique features and makes a bold statement indoors. This plant is also ideal for small spaces and can tolerate various lighting conditions indoors. Calathea adds a special touch to any room it occupies.

Where should I put Calathea in my house?

Calathea thrives in bright indirect light. The plant also loves humid conditions and moderate temperature levels. Try to mimic these conditions indoors. You can place your plant near a bright light source.

Be sure to protect your plant from harsh sunlight rays. A position near a south-facing or west-facing window would be perfect. Placing your plant near a bathroom will provide the ample humidity it needs to thrive.

How do I keep my Calathea happy?

To keep your Calathea happy, try to provide the conditions it needs to flourish. Use well-draining soil that can retain some moisture to plant your Calathea. Water your plant when the top few inches of the soil feel dry.

Try to find a spot that receives bright to medium indirect lighting. Consider feeding your plant at least once monthly during the growing season to promote healthy growth. Try to keep humidity levels up and maintain consistently warm conditions indoors.

Is Calathea good for bedroom?

Yes. Calathea is an excellent bedroom plant that purifies the air and helps you sleep better at night. This plant enhances your bedroom décor with its ornate and beautifully patterned leaves. Calathea removes pollutants and allergens from indoor air helping you breathe better.

The plant also adds a peaceful and relaxing ambiance that calms your nerves. Your plant would look great on your nightstand or in an empty corner of your bedroom. Just make sure your plant receives enough sunlight.

Why are Calatheas so hard to take care of?

Sometimes Calatheas can be fussy due to changes in growing conditions. These plants require specific conditions to thrive. When you don’t strike a balance, your Calathea plant will suffer. Try to provide just enough water, lighting, humidity, and consistent temperatures for your plant to thrive.

Why are the edges of my Calathea turning brown on the leaves?

There are several reasons the leaves of your Calathea might be turning brown. Below are some reasons your Calathea has brown leaf edges.

Water quality

Using tap water to water your Calathea might be causing brown leaf edges. Salts accumulate in the soil and cause leaf burn. To prevent brown leaf tips, try using distilled or filtered water.

Low humidity

When the air gets too dry indoors, your leaves might begin to dry up and develop brown tips. Consider increasing humidity indoors using a humidifier. You can also use a humidity tray to raise humidity levels in your home.


Dry conditions can cause brown leaf edges. When the soil completely dries out, the leaves of your Calathea will begin to curl and turn brown. The leaves will eventually fall off if you don’t water your plant soon. Always keep the soil lightly moist and water when the top few inches feel dry.

Why do Calathea leaves droop?

Your Calathea’s leaves might b drooping due to the following reasons.


When your plant sits in water for too long, its leaves will begin to droop. Your plant will also begin to turn yellow. If the leaves of your plant are drooping, check the soil. if the soil is damp, you might be dealing with an overwatering problem.


When your plant lacks enough moisture, its leaves will wilt from dehydration. The leaves also begin to curl and turn brown and crispy. Consider examining the soil. If the soil feels dry to the touch, thorough watering might help it recover.

Transplant shock

Your Calathea plant might become droopy after repotting. When repotting, you might damage some of your plant’s roots. As a result, the roots might not absorb enough nutrients and water to sustain your plant. if you have recently repotted your Calathea and its leaves are droopy, consider providing the right growing conditions to help it recover.

Can I wipe my Calathea leaves?

Yes. You can wipe the leaves of your Calathea to get rid of dirt and dust. Use a clean damp cloth to gently wipe off the dust from the leaves. Wiping the leaves helps your plant absorb sunlight effectively and keeps your plant looking neat.

How do I know if my Calathea is dying?

Calathea shows several signs of stress before dying. Identifying these signs can help you salvage your plant before it is too late. Your plant might show different signs depending on what is causing its death. Here are several signs you should watch out for.

  • Yellow leaves
  • Black or brown leaves
  • Mushy stems and leaves
  • Drooping leaves
  • Brown leaf tips
  • Foul odor
  • Leaf spots


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