Houseplants Care and Tips


We answer questions about your plant, how to propagate, easy ways to propagate, best propagation techniques, types, and more.


We talk about potting, re potting, types of plants, different types of roots, ways to repot effectively, repotting aftercare tips and more.


Different watering methods and techniques deliver different results. They can be used in different scenarios. May include misting, winking, drip, overhead, etc


Pruning ensures that the affected parts of a plant are removed, overgrown leaves and branches are removed, old and dying leaves are removed, and the plant stays healthy.


We talk about different types of plants and their light requirements. Some are low light while others need plenty of light. We also talk about different types of light.


Plants need water and good moisture for them to thrive. If the humidity is low, the plant will loose too much water. You can humidify the area .

Disease Prevention

Here we talk about pest and diseases that can attack your plants. We talk about signs that your plants are under attack and how to correct the situation.

Pest Control

We talk about all the pests that can attack your plant. We talk about signs and symptoms of pest attack, pest control methods, and prevention methods.


Fertilizer and fertilization techniques for different houseplants. We talk about types of fertilizer, liquid, solid, talk about methods of application.

Soil Mixes

We talk about different soil mixes, benefits, and how different plants need different types of soils.

Plant Revival

Plants that are exposed to to much vagaries such as lack of water, lack of light, lack of nutrition, over-watering, and attack by pest and diseases may need revival.


Plants gather dust. You can clean the plants to remove the dust and prevent it from harming the plant.

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