Dieffenbachia Plant

Dumb Cane plant (Dieffenbachia Plant)

Varieties, Benefits, and How to Care Guide

You probably want to grow an easy and attractive plant indoors but you are not sure which one is suitable. In this case, you should consider growing a Dumb Cane plant. The plant adds a natural tropical feel to your home. If you are always worked up or stressed, a Dieffenbachia plant will help soothe your nerves by creating a calming ambiance. Most Dumb Cane plant varieties have striking foliage that improves the décor of any space. Read on to find out more.

What is a Dumb Cane plant?

Dumb Cane, also known as Leopard Lily, is a tropical plant native to West Indies. This plant is available in different species with varying shapes, sizes, and colors. The Dieffenbachia plant is popularly grown indoors and has eye-catching foliage that adds aesthetic value to your home.

The Dumb Cane is an easy-to-care houseplant that can thrive under different indoor conditions. Some Dumb Cane varieties can tolerate low-light conditions and don’t need frequent watering to survive. Most Dieffenbachia plants are fast growers that can reach up to 10 feet outdoors and 3 to 5 feet indoors.

Why is it called a Dumb Cane?

Dumb Cane contains poisonous substances called calcium oxalates that cause swelling of the throat, mouth, and tongue, resulting in short-term loss of speech. The Dumb effect is what gives the plant its popular name. You should be extra careful when growing a Dumb Cane plant indoors. Try to keep your plant away from pets and small children.

Why is Dieffenbachia offensive?

The Dumb Cane plant was used by slave owners to inflict pain on their slaves. The plant’s leaves resulted in a painful swollen mouth which is totally inhumane and offensive to black people. However, despite such a dark history, Dieffenbachia is an excellent indoor plant that adds color to any space.

Benefits of the Dumb Cane plant

Growing a Dieffenbachia plant indoors has benefits such as:

It is versatile

Most Dumb Cane varieties can tolerate different indoor conditions making them an ideal choice. Your Dieffenbachia plant can tolerate cold or hot climates. Some varieties can tolerate both bright sunlight and shaded conditions.

Purifies the air

Dieffenbachia is one of the best air-purifying plants that remove harmful toxins like formaldehyde and benzene from the air. Growing a Dieffenbachia plant in your home improves indoor air quality and reduces allergens.

It is a low-light plant

Dumb Cane is one of the best low-light houseplants that doesn’t mind a little shade. If your home does not have ample lighting, growing a Dieffenbachia plant would be ideal. A Dumb Cane plant can easily survive in a dull corner of your home.

Dieffenbachia varieties: Types of dumb cane plant

There are different types of Dieffenbachia houseplants you can consider growing in your home. Below are the different Dumb Cane varieties with pictures.

Dieffenbachia Camille

Also known as Dumb Cane Camille, Dieffenbachia Camille is a popular houseplant with striking foliage. This plant would make an ideal ornamental plant in your home. The Dieffenbachia Camille has large broad leaves with a bright lime-yellow color in the middle and dark-green edges.

Dieffenbachia Compacta

The Dieffenbachia Compacta is one of the smaller Dieffenbachia varieties that would be ideal for a small space. The plant features variegated foliage with dark-green hues and creamy yellow speckles. The Dieffenbachia Compacta would make a colorful indoor plant addition

Dieffenbachia Panther

If you are looking for a large foliage plant, the Dieffenbachia Panther would be a suitable selection. This plant features large, oval leaves with a silvery-white band in the middle and dark green margins. The Dieffenbachia Panther would make an excellent indoor plant.

Dieffenbachia Reflector

The Dieffenbachia Reflector is a unique and striking plant that enhances your interior décor with its lush foliage. The plant has large oval dark green leaves with creamy-yellow splotches. The Dieffenbachia Reflector is relatively easy to maintain under ideal conditions.

Dieffenbachia Camouflage

Dieffenbachia Camouflage is one of the most unique Dieffenbachia variegated varieties with lush eye-catching foliage. The plant features broad ovate light green leaves with dark green splotches and creamy white veins.

Dieffenbachia Carina

Dieffenbachia Carina is a fascinating Dieffenbachia variety with decorative foliage. The plant has colorful leaves that brighten up your home. Dieffenbachia Carina features medium-sized oval leaves with creamy-yellow centers and dark-green edges. This plant can grow up to 20 inches tall and is quite easy to maintain.

Dieffenbachia Maculata Tropical Tiki

Dieffenbachia Maculata Tropical Tiki is a variegated Dieffenbachia variety with lush attractive foliage. This fascinating houseplant has large, oval leaves with light-green, dark-green, and creamy-white hues. This unique plant adds a touch of elegance to your home.

Dieffenbachia Tropic Snow

The Dieffenbachia Tropic Snow is one of the most popular Dieffenbachia varieties with striking foliage. This plant features oval leaves with creamy-yellow variegation in the middle and dark-green edges. The Dieffenbachia Tropic Snow can grow up to 6 feet indoors.

Dieffenbachia Delilah

The Dieffenbachia Delilah is a unique Dieffenbachia variety with distinctive foliage. This plant makes a bold statement in any space it occupies. The plant has long green leaves mottled with creamy white and yellow patches. The plant can grow up to 4 feet tall indoors.

Dieffenbachia White Etna

If you are looking for a colorful plant that stands out in the room, White Etna would be the ideal choice. This plant has uniquely-patterned foliage that enhances the aesthetic appeal of your home. The Dieffenbachia White Etna plant has green leaves with white splotches distributed uniformly across the surface.

How do you take care of a Dumb Cane plant?

How to care for Dumb Cane plants involves providing ideal growing conditions. Most Dieffenbachia varieties are hardy plants that can survive various indoor conditions. Below is how to care for a Dumb Cane plant.

Dieffenbachia light

Like most indoor plants, Dieffenbachia requires light to survive. Consider placing your plant near a source of light to ensure healthy growth.

How much sun does a Dumb Cane need?

Most Dieffenbachia varieties require bright indirect sunlight to thrive. However, a Dieffenbachia plant can also tolerate low-light conditions but it will grow slowly. For the best results, place your plant near a window with adequate lighting.

Rotate your plant regularly to ensure all parts are exposed to the light. Direct sunlight will scorch your plant’s beautiful foliage. If you don’t have access to natural lighting, you can use fluorescent lights.

Does Dieffenbachia need lots of light?

Lots of bright indirect light would be perfect for your Dumb Cane plant. However, a Dumb Cane plant can also tolerate low-light conditions. Consider protecting your plant from direct bright sunlight that can scorch its foliage. A position several feet away from a south-facing or west-facing window would be perfect for your Dieffenbachia plant.

Dumb Cane water

A Dieffenbachia plant needs moderate watering to survive. During spring and summer, you should water your plant more frequently and reduce watering during winter.

How to water Dieffenbachia

Water your Dumb Cane evenly at the base of the stems when the soil is partially dry. Keep the soil mildly moist but not wet. Overwatering will damage your plant’s roots and eventually kill your plant. To prevent overwatering, ensure all the excess water drains from the soil completely before returning your plant to its location.

How often do I need to water my dieffenbachia?

How often to water Dumb Cane plant depends on several factors such as how fast your plant dries up, the type of soil it grows in, its location, and more. Allow the top 2 inches of the soil to dry out before watering your Dumb Cane again.

On average, most Dumb Cane varieties need watering about once or twice every week. During winter, your plant might take longer to dry out and you should consider cutting back on watering. A Dumb Cane in a bright location might need more frequent watering than a plant in low-light conditions.

How do you know when to water a Dumb Cane plant?

If the leaves of your Dieffenbachia plant are droopy, it might be time to water your plant. The leaves will also begin to wrinkle and turn brown and crispy. Don’t forget to check the soil too. If the top few inches of the soil feel dry to the touch, accompanied by brown droopy leaves, you should water your plant.

What are the signs of overwatering in Dieffenbachia plants?

An overwatered Dumb Cane shows several signs that you can watch out for. Here are the telltale signs that you might have overwatered your plant.

  • The soil feels soggy
  • There is a fungus growing on the soil
  • The leaves are yellow
  • You notice a moldy smell
  • The stems are soft and mushy
  • The leaves are droopy

Dieffenbachia soil type

Most Dieffenbachia plants prefer well-draining soil. You can use a loose and well-aerated potting mix to plant your Dumb Cane. Soil without excellent drainage causes waterlogging that damages your plant’s roots.

What is the best soil for Dumb cane?

Dieffenbachia prefers to grow in well-aerated fast-draining soil that can retain some moisture. You can use a potting mix with perlite and peat moss. Peat moss improves aeration and retains moisture while perlite enhances drainage to prevent waterlogging and root rot. Use a pot with enough drainage holes to plant your Dieffenbachia.

Does Dieffenbachia like moist soil?

Yes. Dieffenbachia loves lightly moist soil that is not too soggy. The soil should be constantly moist to prevent your plant from drying out. Use soil that can retain moisture to plant your Dumb Cane plant.

Dumb Cane temperature and humidity

Your Pothos plant will thrive in regular well-draining soil. Pothos plants can also thrive in water. However, you should be cautious when transferring your plant from water to soil and vice versa since the plant might not respond well to sudden change. Pothos plants thrive in slightly acidic or neutral soil.

Which soil is best for Pothos?

The Dieffenbachia plant thrives in warm temperatures and moderately humid conditions. A temperature range between 65 and 75 degrees would be ideal for your plant. Low temperatures below 55 degrees will affect your plant’s health.

Your Dumb Cane will begin to lose its leaves when exposed to low temperatures. Always keep your plant away from drafty windows and doors. A Dieffenbachia plant will do just fine in household humidity conditions.  

What happens if Dieffenbachia becomes too cold?

When a Dumb Cane plant becomes too cold, it goes into shock. The leaves of your plant begin to droop and become discolored. You might notice yellow or white spots on your plant’s leaves. The entire plant might also become mushy and turn black. To prevent frosting, adjust temperatures indoors.

Do Dumb Canes like humidity?

Yes. Dumb Canes love humidity but can tolerate household humidity conditions. Your plant can benefit from occasional misting. Alternatively, you can use a humidifier to increase humidity indoors. Try to keep your plant away from air vents and drafty locations.

Dieffenbachia fertilizer

Does Dieffenbachia need fertilizer?

Yes. Dieffenbachia needs to be regular fertilizing to remain healthy. To promote growth, you should consider feeding your plant at least once monthly during the growing seasons.

What fertilizer is best for Dieffenbachia?

A dilute balanced liquid fertilizer would be ideal for your Dieffenbachia plant. You can also use a weak diluted fertilizer each time you water your plant. Slow-release fertilizers are also great for Dieffenbachia. Be careful not to over-fertilize your plant as it will begin to lose its leaves.

Repotting Dumb Cane

When your Dumb Cane becomes too large for its pot, you should consider repotting it in a larger ne to encourage healthy growth.

When should I repot my Dumb Cane?

You can re-pot your Dieffenbachia plant when it outgrows its pot. Some signs you can watch out for include dropping leaves, roots sticking out from the soil, and overcrowding.

The best time to repot Dumb Cane is during spring when the plant is likely to grow. During this season, your plant might also recover quickly from repotting stress. Choose a slightly larger container with ample drainage to repot your Dumb Cane.

How often should you repot a Dieffenbachia?

How often to repot Dieffenbachia depends on how fast it grows. On average, a Dumb Cane plant needs repotting every 2 to 3 years. You should tell your plant needs repotting from protruding roots, salt deposits on the soil, and the plant’s size.

Does Dieffenbachia like to be root-bound?

No. Dieffenbachia does not like to be roots bound. When the roots grow too large for the pot, your plant lacks the space it needs to thrive. When your Dumb Cane plant becomes root bound, it lacks the sufficient nutrients it needs to survive. You should consider repotting your plant when it becomes too large for its pot.

How to repot Dumb Cane

You can easily repot a Dumb Cane plant using fresh soil and a suitable container. Wear gloves to protect your skin from irritation. Below is how you repot a Dumb Cane plant.

  • Gently lift your plant from its pot
  • Use your fingers to free the root ball
  • Prune any damaged roots
  • Choose a pot with ample drainage holes
  • Use fresh soil to re-pot your plant
  • Water your plant and return it to its location

Propagating Dieffenbachia

You can propagate a new Dieffenbachia plant through division. You can also use stem cuttings to propagate a new plant. Below is how you propagate Dieffenbachia.

How to propagate Dumb Cane by division

  • When re-potting your plant, gently divide the offsets from the parent plant
  • Ensure your offsets have as many healthy roots as possible
  • Prepare a fresh potting mix and plant your offsets
  • Water your plant regularly and place it near an adequate light source

How to propagate Dumb Cane from stem cuttings

  • Cut a section of a stem from the parent plant
  • Your cutting should include at least one leaf node and a few leaves
  • Place your stem cutting in a jar of water
  • Place the cutting near a light source and wait for roots to form
  • When roots appear, transfer your cutting into a pot with well-draining soil
  • You can alternatively plant your cutting directly in the soil

Can you grow Dumb Cane from a cutting?

Yes, you can easily propagate a Dumb Cane from stem cuttings. Make your cuttings at a 45˚ angle to reduce the risk of diseases. Your stem cuttings should include at least one leaf node where the roots will sprout. You can opt to place your cuttings in water until they develop roots then later transfer them to soil. Alternatively, you can plant your cuttings directly in soil.

Pruning Dumb Cane

While Dieffenbachia does not require regular pruning, you can cut back your plant once in a while to keep it looking neat and appealing. Pruning also encourages new healthy growth. Get rid of damaged leaves and branches.

How to prune Dumb Cane

If your Dieffenbachia plant appears spindly and unkempt, you can prune it to manage its size and restore its appeal. Use gloves to protect your skin from irritation. Here is how to prune a Dumb Cane plant.

  • Trim off damaged plant parts
  • Remove brown tips and damaged leaves
  • For a bushier plant, trim off the tips just above the growth nodes

When to prune Dieffenbachia

The ideal time to prune your plant is when it appears spindly and overgrown. You can lightly prune your Dumb Cane plant at any time of the year. Remove damaged leaves to keep your plant looking its best. For a bushier appearance, pinch back the tips of your plant’s stems.

Dieffenbachia pests and diseases

Dieffenbachia plants rarely attract pests. However, the plant is susceptible to spider mites, mealybugs, and aphids. You should regularly inspect your plant for pests. If any, you can get rid of them using insecticides.

Dieffenbachia is also prone to Anthracnose, a fungal disease that causes brown spots. You can remedy this disease using a fungicide and avoid watering your plant from the top.

What is eating my Dieffenbachia?

Some common houseplant pests can attack your Dieffenbachia. You should look out for aphids, spider mites, scales, and mealybugs. Inspect the stems and leaves of your plant.

For minor infestations, you can dip a cotton swab in alcohol and use it to wipe off the pests. You can also wash your plant with water to get rid of houseplant pests. If your plant is heavily infested, consider using pesticides to eliminate the pests.

What are the white little bugs on my Dieffenbachia?

If you notice little white bugs covered in cotton-like wax on your Dumb Cane, you might be dealing with a mealybug infestation. Mealybugs suck the sap from your plant and secrete a waxy-like substance called honeydew.

These pests gradually weaken your plant and cause leaf discoloration. Honeydew also promotes the growth of sooty mold which is a fungus that can block the spores of your plant’s leaves. You can get rid of mealybugs by removing the affected plant parts. Apply pesticides for serious infestations.

What is the fungal disease on my Dieffenbachia?

Dieffenbachia is prone to several fungal diseases. Some of these diseases include:

  • Erwinia Blight
  • Anthracnose Leaf Spot
  • Erwinia Soft Rot
  • Fusarium Stem Rot
  • Myrothecium Leaf Spot

You can apply fungicides to your plant to eliminate fungal diseases. Avoid overwatering your plant to prevent fungal diseases in the future.

Dieffenbachia toxicity

Is dumb cane poisonous?

Dieffenbachia plants are toxic to cats, dogs, and humans when ingested. The plant contains calcium oxalate crystals that cause swelling, drooling, vomiting, and inability to speak.

The plant gets the name Dumb Cane from the poisonous effect that causes loss of speech. If you have pets or children in your household, you should take extra care when growing Dieffenbachia indoors. Keep the plant where pets and children cannot access it.

Is dumb cane toxic to cats?

Yes. Dumb Cane is toxic to cats. The plant causes painful swelling of the mouth, throat, and mouth. Your cat might drool and vomit after eating any part of the Dumb Cane plant. Consider seeking medical help if you see any of the Dieffenbachia poisoning symptoms.

Is Dumb Cane poisonous to dogs?

Yes. Dumb Cane is toxic to dogs. The plant causes inflammation and irritation of the mouth, throat, and tongue. This plant also causes vomiting, drooling, and difficulty swallowing. Consider keeping your plant away from your dog.

Is the dumb cane plant poisonous to humans?

Yes. Dieffenbachia is toxic to humans. This plant causes swelling and burning of the throat, mouth, tongue, and lips when ingested. Dumb Canes also cause skin irritation when touched. You should always wear protective gloves when handling your plant. If you have small children, consider keeping your plant out of reach preferably on a high shelf or stand.


Dieffenbachia is a nice houseplant that adds ornamental value to your home. You can choose a plant that blends with your personality and style. Some Dieffenbachia varieties you can grow in your home include Dieffenbachia Carina, Dieffenbachia Delilah, Dieffenbachia Tropic Snow, and others. Take extra caution when growing Dieffenbachia as it is toxic to pets and humans. You can easily buy houseplants online by searching for houseplants near me. If you require additional help, get in touch with us today.

FAQS About Dieffenbachia

Can I put Dieffenbachia in bedroom?

Yes. You can place your Dieffenbachia plant in the bedroom. This low-maintenance plant can survive in various lighting conditions making it suitable for your bedroom. Consider placing your plant in an empty corner to brighten up your bedroom. This plant creates a peaceful and serene atmosphere helping you sleep better at night.

Is Dieffenbachia plant good for bedroom?

Yes. Dieffenbachia would make an excellent plant for the bedroom. This plant improves indoor air quality by removing harmful pollutants like xylene from the air. Dumb Cane plant also absorbs carbon dioxide at night and produces fresh oxygen. The plant improves your sleep quality by getting rid of allergens in your bedroom.

How long do Dieffenbachia plants live?

How long Dumb Canes live depends on their growing conditions. A Dieffenbachia plant that receives proper care and maintenance might live longer than a plant that grows in poor conditions. With proper care, a Dieffenbachia plant can live anywhere from 20 to 40 years or more.

You can extend the life of your plant by providing enough water, lighting, humidity, and consistent temperatures. Regularly inspect your plant for pests and diseases and eradicate them. Try to keep your plant looking its best by wiping dust from its leaves and pruning leggy stems.   

Does Dumb Cane purify air?

Yes, Dieffenbachia is one of the best air-purifying plants that removes toxins like toluene and xylene from the air. Some of these indoor pollutants cause health issues such as dizziness, and nausea. Dieffenbachia plant creates a healthier and safer environment indoors by getting rid of irritants in the air.

Why is my Dumb Cane turning yellow?

Your Dumb Cane turning yellow can indicate several problems. Some of these issues include:

Improper watering

Dumb Cane yellow leaves can result from excessive or inadequate watering. Overwatering causes yellow wilting leaves that are soft and mushy. Under-watering also causes yellow leaves that eventually turn brown and crispy.

Overwatering is often accompanied by other signs such as wet soil and a moldy odor. Dry soil along with yellow leaves indicate under-watering.  

Lighting issues

If your Dumb Cane is turning yellow, you should consider evaluating the lighting. Intense sunlight can scorch the leaves of your plant making them turn yellow. Too little light also causes yellowing of the leaves. Your plant might shed off some leaves to survive in low-light conditions. The leaves first turn yellow before dropping off.

Lack of nutrients

Dumb Cane leaves turning yellow can also indicate lack of adequate nutrients. If your Dumb Cane plant is not getting enough nitrogen, it might begin to turn yellow. Consider fertilizing your plant regularly to prevent yellow leaves.


Dumb Cane plant yellow leaves might be caused by houseplant pests like mealybugs, aphids, spider mites, thrips, and others. These pests suck the sap from your plant causing it to discolor. You might notice yellow spots on the leaves of your Dumb Cane. Consider getting rid of pests before they damage your entire plant.

Why are my Dumb Cane leaves turning brown?

Dumb Cane leaves turning brown might be a sign of several issues. Be sure to watch out for the following problems.


Dry conditions can cause the leaves of your plant to turn brown. When your plant lacks sufficient moisture, its leaves begin to curl and turn brown and crispy. These leaves eventually fall off. Consider watering your plant before the soil dries out completely.


Dumb Cane brown tips can develop due to low humidity conditions indoors. When the air gets too dry indoors, the leaf tips of your plant might begin turning brown. Consider regularly misting your plant to increase humidity.

Water quality

Unfiltered tap water contains mineral deposits that can affect your plant. These salts can accumulate in your plant’s soil when watering and cause brown tips on the leaves of your plant. You can use distilled or filtered water when watering your Dumb Cane to prevent brown tips.  


Dumb Cane leaves turning brown can result from over-fertilizing. Excessive fertilizer can burn your plant’s foliage making it turn brown. You can flush out excess fertilizer by watering your plant thoroughly. Only use the appropriate dose to feed your plant in the future.

Why do Dieffenbachia leaves curl?

The leaves of your Dieffenbachia can curl due to some reasons such as:

Watering problems

An under-watered or over-watered Dieffenbachia can develop curled leaves. Consider adjusting your watering schedule to prevent curling leaves. Keep the soil moist but not soggy to avoid overwatering. Consider watering your plant before the soil dries out to prevent under-watering issues.


Houseplant pests like aphids can affect the shape of your plant’s leaves causing them to curl. These pests feed on the sap in your plant making the leaves lose their shape. Constantly inspect your plant for pests and get rid of them before they cause extensive damage.

Temperature changes

When you expose your Dieffenbachia to low temperatures for too long, its leaves might begin to curl. Extreme high temperatures might also cause the leaves to curl. To prevent this, you should consider maintaining ideal indoor temperatures.

Try to keep your plant away from air vents and drafty windows or doors. You should also keep your plant from high-heat areas like the kitchen. 

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