Swiss Cheese Plant

Monstera Swiss Cheese plant

Have you been looking for a beginner-friendly houseplant that adds greenery to your home? The Monstera plant might be a good fit. The plant’s dramatic leaves add a classy and elegant feel to your home. We understand the frustration and irritability that comes with constant allergies and health issues.

A Monstera plant helps improve your health by purifying indoor air. You can choose a plant of your choice from the numerous varieties available online. Keep reading to learn more.

What is a Monstera Swiss Cheese plant?

Monstera is a popular tropical houseplant native to America’s tropical regions. The Monstera genus contains several plant species with different characteristics. Most varieties have unique foliage that adds ornamental value to any space. Monstera plants have large lobed leaves that add a tropical feel to your home.

The most popular Monstera houseplant variety is Monstera deliciosa also known as the Swiss Cheese plant. The plant has large glossy perforated holes that make a bold statement indoors. Monstera plants have a vining growth habit and would look ravishing in a hanging basket.

Benefits of monstera swiss cheese plant

There are several benefits you can get from growing a Monstera plant indoors. Below are some Swiss Cheese plant benefits.

Improves air quality

Monstera plants remove toxins from indoor air providing you with clean and fresh air. Some toxins can cause health complications and growing a Swiss Cheese plant indoors helps create a healthier environment for you and your loved ones.

Reduces stress levels and brings positive energy

Monstera plants reduce stress levels and lift your moods. Monstera is a Feng Shui indoor plant that represents positive energy, peace, growth, and good luck. Growing this plant indoors promotes feelings of peace and well-being.

Swiss Cheese plant types

You can choose to grow a Monstera plant of your choice from the several varieties available. We will cover different Monstera plant varieties to help you buy a plant that aligns with your needs.

Monstera Deliciosa

The Monstera Deliciosa also known as the Swiss Cheese plant is the most popular Monstera variety you can grow in your home. This plant features large green leaves with unique fenestrations. The attractive leaf fenestrations develop as the plant matures. The Monstera deliciosa adds an exotic feel to your home.

Monstera Acuminata

Monstera Acuminata is a unique plant that would look great in your home. This rare Monstera variety looks similar to Monstera Adansonii but has a more compact growth habit. This trailing houseplant has medium-sized green leaves with perforations and would look attractive in a hanging basket.

Monstera Dubia

Monstera Dubia also known as the Shingle plant is a rare Monstera houseplant that can grow easily indoors. The plant has small heart-shaped leaves with dark green and light green shades. The plant’s leaves develop fenestrations as they mature. However, when grown indoors, the leaves might remain solid.

Monstera Adansonii

The Monstera Adansonii is a unique Monstera variety also known as the Swiss Cheese plant. This plant has medium-sized green leaves with large holes. The plant can grow up to 5 feet indoors. the Monstera Adansonii adds a touch of elegance to your home with its bold foliage.

Monstera Obliqua

The Monstera Obliqua is one of the rarest and most unique Monstera indoor plants. If you come across this plant it would be best not to pass up the opportunity while it lasts. This plant has delicate thin leaves with holes. The holes make up most of the leaf making the plant quite delicate.

Monstera Siltepecana

Also called the Silver Monstera, Monstera Siltepecana is a striking Monstera variety that makes a bold statement in any space. The plant features heart-shaped green leaves with silver-gray variegation. This plant does not have holes in its leaves but they appear as the plant matures. The Silver Monstera also loses its variegation as it matures.

Monstera Pinnatipartita

The Monstera Pinnatipartita is an attractive Monstera indoor plant that has unique foliage. When young, the plant has green leaves with no fenestrations. As the plant matures, it develops fenestrations that completely transform its appearance.

Monstera Deliciosa ‘Thai Constellation’

The Monstera Deliciosa ‘Thai Constellation’ is a variegated Monstera variety with distinctive and attractive foliage. This plant adds color to any space and would be ideal if you want to spruce up your interior décor. The plant has green perforated leaves with creamy-white streaks.

Monstera Standleyana

Monstera Standleyana is one of the rarest Monstera varieties with beautiful foliage. The plant has lance-shaped glossy green leaves with creamy-white or yellow. variegation. The leaves develop fenestrations as the plant matures

Monstera Karstenianum/Monstera Peru

Monstera Peru is an eye-catching Monstera variety with bold foliage. What makes this plant stand out is that its leaves don’t develop fenestrations. The plant features lance-shaped glossy green leaves that make a bold statement in any room. Monstera Peru is one of the best trailing plants for hanging baskets.

How to care for Swiss Cheese plant

Monstera houseplants are relatively easy to grow under ideal conditions. Swiss Cheese plant care involves providing enough water, light, humidity, and more. Below is how you care for your Monstera plant.

Monstera plant water

Most Monstera plants require moderate watering to flourish. Like other indoor plants, the Swiss Cheese plant is prone to overwatering which might damage its roots. Try to avoid overwatering your Monstera plant.

How often to water Swiss Cheese plant

When to water a Swiss Cheese plant depends on how quickly it dries out. Most Monstera plants need watering every 1 to 2 weeks. Before watering your plant, check the soil for dryness. If the top few inches of the soil feel dry, you can water your plant.

Your Swiss Cheese plant might dry out more frequently during spring and summer. During winter, your plant might take longer to dry out and you should consider cutting back on watering. A Monstera plant near a bright light source might also dry out quicker than one in a shaded corner.

Do Swiss Cheese plants like wet soil?

No. Swiss Cheese plants don’t like growing in wet soil. When the soil is too soggy, your Monstera plant might develop root rot and other fungal diseases. Your plant might not recover from root rot and some diseases.

Try to avoid overwatering your plant to prevent root rot and plant death. Always allow the soil to partially dry out before watering your plant.

What happens when you overwater a Swiss Cheese plant?

When you overwater a Monstera plant, it becomes susceptible to fungal diseases, root rot, and pest infestations. You can tell you have an overwatered plant by looking out for several signs such as:

  • Yellow leaves
  • Brown leaf spots
  • Wilting leaves
  • Foul odor

Can I water a Monstera with tap water?

Yes. You can water a Monstera plant with tap water. However, tap water might contain salts that can accumulate in the soil over time and affect your plant. We recommend using distilled water or filtered water. Leaving tap water in an open container for about 24 hours allows the salts to evaporate making the water safe for your plant.

Most Monstera plants require moderate watering to flourish. The ideal time to water your plant would be every 1 to 2 weeks. You can also check the soil to determine whether your plant needs water. If the top 2 or 3 inches of the soil is dry, water your plant. Don’t let the soil completely dry out as you might risk under-watering your plant.

When watering your Monstera indoor plant, ensure excess water drains completely from the soil. The soil should be mildly moist but not wet. Soggy soil might lead to root rot that will eventually damage your plant permanently.

Monstera plant light

Monstera plants are native to tropical rainforests where they grow in dappled shade. Your indoor plant will require the same conditions to thrive. Regularly rotate your plant to achieve uniform growth from all angles.

How much light does a Swiss Cheese plant like?

Most Monstera plant varieties prefer bright to medium indirect sunlight. A position near a south-facing or west-facing window would be perfect for your plant. Place your plant several feet away from the window to protect it from direct sunlight rays that can scorch its leaves.

A Swiss Cheese plant can also tolerate low-light conditions but might not grow as quickly as one with sufficient lighting.

Do Swiss Cheese plants like full sun?

No. Swiss Cheese plants don’t like being exposed to full sunlight. Bright direct sunlight scorches the plants’ leaves. Swiss Cheese plants prefer bright indirect light instead.

When you expose your Swiss Cheese plant to direct sunlight for too long, its leaves will begin to turn yellow. Consider moving your plant to a darker location or use curtain sheers to block direct sunlight rays.

Swiss Cheese plant soil type

Monstera plants prefer well-draining peat moss soil that is rich in nutrients. The soil should be slightly acidic for your plant to thrive. You can add perlite and peat moss to your soil to improve drainage.

Can I use succulent soil for Monstera?

No. We don’t recommend using cactus/succulent soil for a Monstera plant. This type of soil is too loose and sandy for a Swiss Cheese plant. The roots of your plant might not hold on to the sandy soil. An aroid potting mix with drainage materials such as peat moss, perlite, and sand would be ideal for your plant.

Monstera plant humidity and temperature

Most Monstera plants thrive in room temperature conditions. The ideal temperature range for your plant would be 60 to 90 degrees. The plant prefers consistent temperatures and sudden temperature drops will harm your plant. Try to keep your plant away from drafty areas.

Monstera plants flourish in humid conditions. You can use a humidifier to increase humidity in your home. If you don’t have a humidifier, you can mist your plant occasionally or use a tray with pebbles and water.

How often should I mist my Swiss Cheese plant?

When the air is too dry indoors, you can consider misting your Monstera plant at least once daily in the morning. Misting during the morning hours allows the leaves of your plant to dry up during the day reducing the risk of fungal diseases.

What temperature can a Monstera tolerate?

A Swiss Cheese plant can tolerate temperatures as low as 50˚C. However, temperatures below 50˚C can damage your plant. The plant might stop growing and eventually die when exposed to low temperatures for a long time.

The ideal temperature range for a Monstera plant is between 60˚C to 90˚C. Most Monstera plant varieties will do just fine in room temperature conditions.

Swiss Cheese plant fertilizer

The Swiss Cheese plant can benefit from some fertilizer. Fertilizing your plant promotes root health and plant growth.

Do Swiss Cheese plants like fertilizer?

Yes. Swiss Cheese plants require occasional feeding to develop lush foliage. You can use a balanced liquid fertilizer to feed your plant at least once monthly during the growing season.

You can check several fertilization techniques that will suit your plant and needs. You can always choose between liquid or solid fertilizer. However, it may also depend on your watering method.

Ensure you dilute the fertilizer to half-strength before feeding your plant. Be careful not to over-fertilize your plant. Over-fertilizing can burn your plant’s roots and foliage.

Pruning Monstera plants

Prune your plant regularly to maintain its attractive appearance and encourage lush growth. You can remove damaged leaves and stems to keep your plant looking its best. When pruning, you can use stem cuttings to propagate a new plant.

When to prune Swiss Cheese plant

The best time to prune your Swiss Cheese plant is during spring when it is more likely to grow. Your plant might also recover quickly from pruning during spring. When pruning a Monstera plant, use sharp sterile tools to minimize the risk of spreading diseases.

How to prune a Monstera plant

You will need a clean pair of pruning shears or scissors to prune your Monstera plant. You should also wear protective gloves to protect your skin from cuts. Here is how to prune a Swiss Cheese plant.

  • Trim damaged leaves and stems
  • Cut off leggy stems just above growth nodes to encourage healthy growth
  • Make clean cuts to prevent diseases
  • If you want your plant to grow taller, prune the stems near the tips

Propagating Swiss Cheese plant

You can easily multiply your Monstera plant collection through propagation. Some of the propagation methods you can use to propagate a Monstera plant include root division and stem cuttings.

How to propagate Swiss Cheese plant

Below is how you propagate a Swiss Cheese plant from stem cuttings.

  • Using clean pruning shears, cut a section of a stem that includes a growth node and several leaves
  • Place your cutting in a jar of water. Change the water after about 3 to 5 days
  • In a few weeks, roots should begin to sprout
  • Transfer your cutting to fresh potting soil and place your cutting near a light source
  • Water your cutting to keep the soil lightly moist

Can you propagate Swiss Cheese plant from cuttings?

Yes. You can propagate your Monstera plant from stem cuttings. Your stem cutting should include at least one growth node and several leaves. You can opt to root your stem cuttings in water or directly into the soil.

Where to cut Swiss Cheese plant to propagate

You can cut your Swiss Cheese plant anywhere provided your cutting includes at least one growth node and at least two leaves. Cut a healthy stem that is at least 6 inches long. Make clean cuts to avoid damaging your plant.

How to propagate Swiss Cheese plant in water

You can easily propagate a Swiss Cheese plant in water using stem cuttings. Learn how to propagate Monstera plants below.

  • Cut off a stem cutting with at least two leaves, a node, and an aerial root
  • Place your stem cutting in a glass jar with water
  • Occasionally change the water in the jar
  • Wait for roots to form
  • Once the roots develop, plant your stem cutting in fresh potting soil
  • Place your plant near an adequate light source and keep the soil moist

Repotting a Monstera plant

Your Monstera plant is likely to outgrow your pot after about 2 to 3 years. When this happens, you can re-pot your plant in a slightly larger pot. A terra-cotta pot that absorbs excess moisture would be ideal.

How do I know if my Swiss Cheese plant needs repotting?

You can tell your plant needs repotting when it begins showing the following signs.

  • Roots creeping out from drainage holes or above the surface of the soil
  • Your plant is growing slower than usual or has stopped growing entirely
  • The leaves are beginning to turn yellow
  • The soil is drying out faster than usual
  • It has been more than 2 years since you last repotted your plant

How to repot Swiss Cheese plant

Here is how to repot a Monstera plant.

  • Gently lift your plant from the pot
  • Loosen the roots carefully using your fingers
  • Choose a slightly larger pot with ample drainage holes
  • Use fresh well-draining potting soil to re-pot your plant
  • Water your plant and return it to its location
  • Ensure your plant receives sufficient lighting

Monstera pests and diseases

Monstera plants are prone to pest infestations. Some pests that might invade your plant include aphids, thrips, spider mites, mealybugs, and more. You can get rid of these pests using insecticidal soap. To deter pets from invading your plant, regularly wipe it with a damp cloth.

What diseases can Monstera get?

Monstera plant is prone to several bacterial and fungal diseases. Some of these diseases include:

  • Root rot
  • Bacterial and fungal leaf spots
  • Powdery mildew
  • Anthracnose

Monstera plant toxicity

Before growing a Monstera plant indoors, you should consider discovering whether it is toxic or not. You don’t want to risk the health of your pets or children.

Is Monstera plant poisonous?

Yest, it is poisonous. Monstera is poisonous to cats, dogs, and even humans. The plant contains toxic substances called calcium oxalates that cause mouth and gastrointestinal irritation when ingested. If you have curious pets or small children, place your plant out of their reach to prevent accidents.

Are Swiss Cheese plants toxic to cats?

Yes. Swiss Cheese plants are toxic to cats when ingested. This plant causes oral irritation, drooling, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, and burning of the throat, mouth, lips, and tongue. To prevent accidents, keep your plant away from your cat.

Are Swiss Cheese plants toxic to dogs?

Yes. Swiss Cheese plants are toxic to dogs. When your dog nibbles on any part of your Monstera plant, calcium oxalate crystals will irritate its throat, mouth, and stomach lining resulting in drooling and vomiting. A Swiss Cheese plant hanging from the ceiling or wall would help keep your dog safe.

FAQS About Swiss Cheese Plant

Why is my Swiss Cheese plant turning yellow?

If your Swiss Cheese plant has yellow leaves, you should look out for the following issues.  


One of the most common causes of yellowing Monstera leaves is overwatering. The leaves appear limp and yellow. If your plant has yellow leaves, check the soil. If the soil is wet, you might have overwatered your Monstera. To help your plant recover, allow the soil to dry out.


When your plant becomes too dry, its leaves will begin to turn yellow and become crispy. If the soil feels dry, your plant might be drying out. Thoroughly water your Monstera to help it recover.

Improper lighting

Too much or too little light can result in yellow leaves. When you expose your Swiss Cheese plant to too much sunlight, its leaves will become scorched and turn yellow.

If your Monstera plant is receiving too little sunlight, its leaves will begin to turn yellow and eventually drop off. To prevent yellow leaves, find an ideal spot for your Monstera plant. the location should have sufficient lighting.   

Why is my Swiss Cheese plant drooping?

A droopy Swiss Cheese plant might be suffering from the following.

Improper watering

An under-watered or overwatered Monstera will begin to droop. Fortunately, your plant can recover when you take the proper measures. Check the soil for dryness or wetness. If the soil is dry, water your plant to help it recover. Alternatively, if the soil feels soggy, cut back on watering and let the soil dry out before watering your plant again.

Repotting stress

Your Monstera might become droopy after repotting. Try to provide the right growing conditions to help it recover. Water your Swiss Cheese plant and place it near a source of bright indirect lighting.

Is Swiss Cheese plant easy to grow?

Yes. Swiss Cheese plant is quite easy to grow when provided with the right growing conditions. This easy houseplant can survive in various lighting conditions. Monstera will thrive in bright indirect light but can also tolerate medium to low-light conditions. The plant needs moderate watering to survive and can tolerate mild drought. Be sure to trim your plant often to keep it in good shape.

What is the lifespan of a Monstera?

With proper growing conditions, a Monstera plant can live anywhere from 40 years. Due to its long lifespan, Monstera is considered an heirloom plant. you can extend the lifespan of your Swiss Cheese plant by providing ample lighting, water, humidity, and temperature.

Is Swiss Cheese plant good for bedroom?

Yes. Monstera would make an excellent bedroom plant. This plant creates a calm atmosphere that can help you relax and sleep better. Monstera also adds a tropical vibe to your bedroom with its lush foliage. Besides, this plant can tolerate medium to low-light levels.

Monstera is an easy houseplant that you can comfortably grow indoors. The vining plant spruces up your home and adds a natural feel that helps calm your nerves after a stressful day. However, you don’t want your cat or dog nibbling on your plant as it might cause health issues. Under the right conditions, your Monstera plant will serve you for many years.

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