Snake Plant

Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

Varieties, Benefits, and How to Care Guide

Are you looking for an easy-care houseplant that adds color and character to your indoor space? You should consider growing a Snake plant. This low-maintenance plant is almost indestructible and thrives without too much attention. The Snake plant adds an artistic look to your home with its outstanding foliage. Read on to discover more about the Snake plant.

What is a Snake plant?

The Snake plant otherwise known as Sansevieria or Mother-in-law’s Tongue is a popular houseplant known for its resilience and air-purifying qualities. The Snake plant is native to arid regions in Africa.

This plant has long, stiff, sword-shaped leaves that have varying colors. The Mother-in-law’s plant has green or variegated leaves with yellow margins. The Snake plant enhances the aesthetic appeal of any indoor space with its unique features.

This plant is very tolerant which makes it easy to grow. The Snake plant would be a suitable choice if you are trying out your first houseplant. The plant is drought-tolerant and does not require regular watering.

The Mother-in-law’s Tongue plant also improves indoor air quality by eliminating harmful pollutants. A snake plant air purifier is the right kind of purifier you need to reduce your constant allergies.

Be careful when growing a Snake plant indoors as it is toxic to pets and humans when ingested. Ensure you keep your plant away from pets and children to prevent accidents

Why is it called a Mother-in-law plant?

The Snake plant is called a Mother-in-law’s Tongue because it has stiff pointy leaves that symbolize the sharp tongue of the Mother-in-law. Despite its name, the Mother-in-law’s Tongue plant adds color and vibrancy to your home.

Benefits of the snake plant or mother-in-law's tongue

Below are some benefits of growing a Snake plant in your home.

Snake plant oxygen

The snake plant has air-purifying abilities and can oxygenate your house allowing you to sleep better at night. If you are looking for an air purifier plant for your bedroom, the Snake plant would be an excellent choice.

Snake plant allergy reduction

The Mother-in law’s Tongue gets rid of toxins and allergens in indoor air, boosting your overall health. This plant gets rid of toxins like dander, dust, pollen, etc. Growing a Snake plant in your bedroom can improve your sleep quality.

Enhanced moods

Adding a little greenery to your home boosts your mood and increases productivity. Growing a Snake plant indoors will naturally calm your nerves and reduce anxiety and stress levels. The pure air produced by the snake plant will also boost your mental health leading to better moods.

Different kinds of snake plants with pictures

There are different types of snake plants that you can grow in your home depending on your taste and style. You can easily buy your houseplant online by searching for snake plants near me. We have covered several types of snake plants to help you make an informed decision.

Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Mother-in law’s Tongue’

This is the most commonly grown Snake plant. The plant features long upright leaves that can grow up to 3 feet tall. The plant’s leaves are green with yellow margins and white horizontal lines. The Mother-In-Law’s Tongue produces white blooms. You can easily grow this type of snake plant indoors.

Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Twisted Sister’

The Twisted Sister is a common indoor snake plant with unique foliage. This plant has twisted pointy leaves with attractive yellow margins and horizontal white stripes. The plant gets its name from its twisted leaves. The Twisted Sister is a slow-growing plant that can reach up to 2 feet tall.

Sansevieria ‘Golden hahnii’

Also known as the Bird’s Nest Snake plant, the Golden hahnii is a unique plant with eye-catching foliage. The plant features short pointy leaves that form a rosette in the middle.

This plant has green variegated leaves with yellow margins and white horizontal stripes. The Golden hahnii is a small snake plant that grows up to 2 inches. This ornamental plant would be ideal for your coffee table.

Sansevieria ‘Black gold’

The Sansevieria Black Gold is a striking type of snake plant with distinctive foliage. The plant has dark green leaves with yellow margins. A mature Black Gold snake plant has broad long leaves that grow up to 35 inches long. This snake plant large variety is known to be among the best snake plant air purifiers.

Sansevieria ‘Cylindrica’

Sansevieria Cylyndrica is one of the popular types of snake plants grown indoors. This plant has long cylindrical leaves with green and gray hues. The plant gets its name from its cylindrical-shaped leaves that narrow down at the tip. This plant can grow up to 6 feet tall

Sansevieria ‘Laurentii’

Sansevieria Laurentii is one of the largest snake plant varieties with long variegated leaves. The plant’s leaves are green with horizontal white-cream stripes and yellow margins. The Sansevieria Laurentii can grow more than 3 feet long. This plant is an ideal choice for enhancing the aesthetics of your home.

Sansevieria ‘Bantel’s sensation’

The Sansevieria ‘Bantel’s sensation’ is a large snake plant with long narrow leaves. This plant can grow up to 30 inches tall. Its leaves are green with white margins making it quite a sight to behold. You can easily grow your plant indoors under the right conditions.

Sansevieria ‘Moonshine’

Sansevieria Moonshine is an attractive snake plant that would make a great addition to your indoor plant collection. The plant features broad pointed leaves with silver and green hues. Apart from its attractive foliage, the plant is a good air purifier. The Sansevieria Moonshine is one of the best plants for your bedroom that will enhance the air quality.

Sansevieria fischeri

If you are fond of small houseplants, the Sansevieria fischeri would be the ideal choice. This is one of the small snake plant varieties that you can grow in your home. The plant features small dark green leaves with white horizontal striations.

Sansevieria Parva ‘Kenya Hyacinth’

Kenya Hyacinth is a large snake plant variety with long leaves that form a rosette. The plant’s leaves are green with cream striations. This plant can grow up to 16 inches long. Like other snake plants, the Kenya hyacinth is a resilient drought-tolerant plant that requires moderate watering

How to care for Mother-in-law’s plant

Snake plants are not demanding and require little maintenance. You don’t have to constantly worry about your plant provided you deliver what the plant needs to survive. Below is how to care for a Mother-in-law plant.

Snake plant water

The Snake plant is a hardy houseplant that can tolerate infrequent watering. You don’t have to panic when you forget to water your Snake plant. This plant is more likely to die from overwatering than drought.

How often do you water Mother-in-law plant?

You should water your Mother-in-law’s plant when the soil feels dry to the touch. On average, a Mother-in-law’s plant needs watering every 1 to 2 weeks. How fast the soil dries up depends on factors such as the season, the plant’s location, or the type of soil.

Your plant might dry up more frequently during summer and spring than during winter. A Snake plant in a bright spot might also dry up quicker than a plant in the shade.

How long can mother-in-law’s tongue go without water?

How long your Mother-in-law’s Tongue plant can go without water depends on its growing conditions. Your plant might go longer without water during the colder months than during warmer months.

Similarly, a Snake plant that grows in direct sunlight might dry up quicker than a plant in a dark room. Generally, a Mother-in-law’s Tongue plant can survive without water for about 2-3 weeks. However, you should consider checking your plant’s soil occasionally.

What happens if you don’t water a Snake plant?

When your Snake plant becomes too dry, its leaves begin to wilt and curl. The leaves also begin to turn yellow and brown and eventually die. Your Mother-in-law’s plant will eventually die when left dry for too long. Luckily, you can save your plant before it’s too late. Give your plant a thorough watering and hope it recovers.

Can a Snake plant go 3 weeks without water?

Yes. Your Snake plant can go 3 weeks without water depending on the growing conditions. However, your plant might dry up sooner. A Snake plant in a dull corner might go up to 3 weeks without water. During winter, your Mother-in-law’s plant might also go longer without water.

Snake plant sunlight

The Mother-in-law’s Tongue plant requires sunlight to thrive. This plant can survive in bright, medium, and low-light conditions indoors making it an ideal plant for different spots in your home.

Does Mother-in-law’s tongue need sun or shade?

The snake plant thrives in bright and medium indirect sunlight. This plant can also tolerate low-light conditions. Whether you place your plant near a bright light source or in a dark corner, it will grow.

Snake plant low light levels will however slow down your plant’s growth. You can place your snake plant near a window that receives bright indirect sunlight for the best results.

Do snake plants like full sun?

No, Snake plants prefer bright indirect sunlight. While Mother-in-law plants can tolerate some direct sunlight, their leaves become scorched when left in direct sunlight for too long.

If your plant is getting too much direct sunlight, its leaves will begin to turn yellow or brown. In this, case, you should consider moving your plant to a spot that receives indirect sunlight.

Can Mother-in-law plant grow without sunlight?

Yes. A Mother-in-law plant is one of the best low-light houseplants that can survive in low-light conditions. However, your Snake plant will grow slowly in dark conditions. A Snake plant in a dark corner will also lose its variegation and turn dark green. Consider using artificial lighting if your home does not receive natural lighting.

Snake plant soil type

A healthy snake plant thrives in well-draining soil, preferably sandy soil. You can pot your snake plant in a container with enough drainage holes to prevent root rot. Alternatively, you can grow your snake plant in water provided you change the water frequently.

What type of soil should I use for Snake plant?

The best soil to use for a Snake plant is loose, fast-draining soil. A cactus/succulent potting mix would be ideal for your Snake plant. The Mother-in-law plant is susceptible to root rot and requires soil that does not retain moisture. Choose a potting mix that is rich in organic matter to promote healthy growth. Slightly acidic soil would also be perfect for your Snake plant.

What kind of compost do I use for my Mother-in-law’s Tongue?

You can use worm castings or composted manure for your Mother-in-law’s Tongue. Compost provides the necessary nutrients your Snake plant needs to thrive. You can mix the compost with your potting soil when potting your plant.

Mother-in-law plant humidity and temperature

Household humidity is fine for your snake plant. The succulent does not require high humidity levels to survive. Your snake plant will thrive in room temperature conditions provided you keep it away from drafty windows and doors. The ideal temperature range for your snake plant is between 70 and 90 degrees.

Do Snake plants like to be misted?

No. Snake plants don’t like to be misted. A Mother-in-law’s plant prefers to be more on the dry side than the wet side. These plants can easily survive in average household humidity conditions since their thick leaves can store the sufficient moisture they need to survive. Misting your Snake plant might actually lead to fungal problems

Do Snake plants do well in high humidity?

No. Snake plants don’t like high humidity. Instead, the plants prefer average humidity levels ranging from 40% -50%. When the humidity is too high, your Snake plant might develop fungal diseases. Avoid placing your plant in high-humidity areas like the bathroom.

Are Snake plants okay in the cold?

No. Snake plants don’t like to be cold. The plants prefer warm temperatures ranging from about 70 degrees to 90 degrees. Extremely low temperatures can damage your Snake plant. it would be best to avoid exposing your plant to low temperatures for too long. 

Snake plant fertilizer

The Snake plant will remain healthy without fertilizer. However, during spring you can use a mild fertilizer to stimulate growth. You can use cactus fertilizer or balanced liquid fertilizer to feed your plant.

What is the best fertilizer for Snake plant?

The best fertilizer for a Snake plant is a balanced liquid fertilizer. Alternatively, you can opt for slow-release pellets. Organic fertilizers would also be ideal for your Snake plant if you prefer using eco-friendly materials.

How often should you fertilize Mother-in-law’s Tongue?

How often you should fertilize your Mother-in-law’s plant depends on how fast you want your plant to grow. Generally, Snake plants are not heavy feeders and can survive with a monthly feeding during spring and summer. Avoid fertilizing your Mother-in-law’s plant during the dormant winter period.

Snake plant repotting

When exposed to bright sunlight, your snake plant will grow quickly and you can re-pot it after around 1-2 years. In shaded conditions, your plant will grow slowly and you can re-pot it after about 3-5 years. When re-potting your plant, be careful with the roots since they are delicate. Use a strong pot that is 2 sizes larger and fresh potting soil to re-pot your plant.

When should you repot a snake plant?

The ideal time to repot your plant is when it outgrows its container. On average, a Snake plant needs repotting every 2-5 years depending on its growth rate. You will have a better chance of success during spring or summer. A snake plant that needs repotting will let you know through the following signs.

  • Roots protruding out of the drainage holes and the surface of the soil
  • Your plant stops growing
  • Your plant dries up quicker than usual
  • The pot begins cracking

Do Snake plants like to be rot-bound?

Yes. Snake plants prefer to be slightly root-bound. However, your Snake plant will grow too large for its pot at some point. When this happens, you should consider repotting your plant to a slightly larger container. If your Snake plant becomes too root-bound, it will struggle to absorb nutrients and become weak.

How to repot a Snake plant

Here is how to repot a Mother-in-law’s Tongue.

  • Gently remove your plant from its pot. Avoid pulling your plant’s leaves and hold the base instead
  • Loosen the roots carefully using your fingers
  • Choose a slightly larger pot to repot your Snake plant
  • Fill the pot partially with fresh potting soil
  • Place your plant in the new container
  • Add soil around your Snake plant until the pot is full
  • Water your plant thoroughly and return it to its position

Propagating Mother-in-law plant

You can easily increase your Snake plant collection through propagation. The easiest ways to propagate Mother-in-law plants is by division or from leaf cuttings.

How to propagate Snake plant by division

Here is how to propagate a Snake plant by division.

  • Gently remove your plant from its pot
  • Carefully loosen the roots
  • Use a sharp knife or pruning shears to divide your plant
  • Each plant should have several leaves and a mass of roots
  • Plant the divided sections in fresh potting soil
  • Place your plants in bright indirect light

How to propagate a Snake plant from leaf cuttings in water

Below is how to propagate a Mother-in-law’s plant from leaf cuttings.

  • Using clean pruning shears or scissors, cut a leaf at the base of the plant
  • You can opt to propagate the entire leaf or divide it into small sections
  • Place your leaf in a jar of water and wait for roots to form
  • Change the water occasionally
  • When roots develop transfer the cutting into fresh potting soil

How to propagate a Snake plant from leaf cuttings in soil

You can opt to propagate your Mother-in-law’s plant in soil directly. Here is how you propagate a Snake plant in soil.

  • Cut off a leaf at the base of your plant
  • Leave it whole or cut it into small sections
  • Allow the cut ends of the leaf sections to dry out for a few days
  • Plant your cuttings in fresh potting soil
  • Place the cuttings in bright indirect light

Do Mother-in-law plants multiply?

Yes. You can multiply Mother-in-law plants through division or using leaf cuttings. You can divide your mother plant into separate plants and pot them individually. Alternatively, you can choose to develop new plants from leaf cuttings.

When to propagate Snake plant

The ideal time to propagate a Snake plant is during spring and summer. During these seasons, your cuttings are likely to be successful since the Snake plant grows more actively in spring and summer. Avoid propagating your Mother-in-law’s plant during winter when the plant is dormant.

Can I cut a Mother-in-law’s Tongue plant?

Yes. You can use stem cuttings to propagate new Snake plants. You can opt to cut the whole leaf or cut a single leaf into several sections. Always choose healthy leaves when propagating a Mother-in-law’s Tongue.

Can you grow a Snake plant in water?

Yes. You can grow Snake plants in water. It might seem odd to grow a Mother-in-law’s plant in water since they dislike moisture. However, you can successfully grow your Snake plant in water with proper maintenance. You can place your plant in a jar with water and remember to regularly change the water.

How to repot a Pothos plant

Repotting a Pothos plant is fairly easy with the right skills. You need to be careful not to damage your plant when repotting it. Here is how you repot a Pothos plant.

  • Gently lift your plant from its pot
  • Carefully loosen the root and remove excess soil
  • Choose a slightly larger container to pot your plant
  • Ensure your container has enough drainage holes
  • Using fresh potting soil, pot your Pothos plant
  • Water your plant and return it to its location

Mother-in-law plant toxicity

If you have pets or small children, you should consider discovering whether your Snake plant has toxic properties.

Is Mother-in-law plant poisonous?

Yes. According to the American Society for the prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), the Snake plant is toxic to cats and dogs when ingested. The plant contains Saponins that cause vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, abdominal discomfort, and swollen mouth, tongue, and throat.

Are Mother-in-law plants poisonous to humans?

Yes. Mother-in-law plant is toxic to humans when taken in large doses. This plant causes nausea, vomiting, and swelling of the mouth and throat. If you have small children in your home, you should consider keeping your Mother-in-law’s tongue away from them.

Is Snake plant toxic to cats?

Yes. Snake plant is toxic to cats when ingested. If your cat eats a Snake plant, you might notice symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, or swelling of the throat and mouth. Keep your plant out of reach to prevent accidents.

Is Snake plant poisonous to dogs?

Yes. The Mother-in-law plant is toxic to dogs and causes discomfort when ingested. Your dog might vomit, drool, diarrhea, or develop a swollen mouth after nibbling on your plant. Consider keeping your plant on high shelves and stands to prevent your dog from reaching it.

Snake plant pests and diseases

While the Snake plant is hardy, it can attract some common houseplant pests like spider mites and mealybugs. This plant is also susceptible to fungal diseases such as Root Rot, Powdery Mildew, Southern Blight, and others.

What bugs are on my Mother-in-law’s Tongue?

Some common houseplant pests that can invade your Mother-in-law’s Tongue include mealybugs or spider mites. These pests suck the sap in your plant’s leaves and cause discolorations. 

Spider mites look like small white bugs with a cotton-like appearance. Spider mites are small bugs that leave webs on the leaves of your plant. You can eliminate these pests by applying fungicides to your plant.

How do you treat a sick Snake plant?

How to treat a sick Snake plant depends on the disease it has. Find out what your Snake plant is suffering from first. Some common Snake plant diseases you should consider include Root Rot, Powdery mildew, Red Leaf Spot, and others. You can use fungicides to treat most fungal diseases.

FAQS About Snake Plants

Does Snake plant attract snakes?

No. The Snake plant does not attract Snakes. On the contrary, the Snake plant might keep snakes at bay with its long stiff spiky leaves. The plant only gets its name from its leaves which resemble a snake. You don’t have to worry about growing your snake plant.

Does Snake plant bring good luck?

Yes. In Feng Shui, the Snake plant is believed to bring good luck, prosperity, and positive energy when placed in strategic positions in your home. This plant also protects your home from bad energy when placed in an ideal position.

What is the Mother-in-law plant good for?

The Mother-in-law plant is good for purifying indoor air. This plant removes harmful pollutants like formaldehyde, xylene, and benzene from indoor air. Some of these pollutants cause health issues that you can prevent by growing a Snake plant indoors. The Mother-in-law plant also produces oxygen at night helping you sleep better.

Is snake plant good for bedroom?

Yes. The Snake plant would make an excellent bedroom plant due to its air-purifying abilities. This plant removes allergens and pollutants from the air helping you sleep better.

This plant also produces oxygen at night providing you with fresh air all night long. The Mother-in-law plant also accentuates your bedroom décor and adds personality to your room.

Is snake plant good for health?

Yes. The Snake plant is good for your health. The plant eliminates allergens like dust, dander, and pollen from indoor air. Such allergens cause health issues such as asthma and respiratory conditions. The Mother-in-law plant also has medicinal properties and is used to treat some health conditions such as:

  • Reduces inflammation
  • Used to treat wounds
  • Relieves headaches

Why are my Snake plant leaves falling over?

There are several reasons the leaves of your Snake plant might be falling over. Some of these reasons include:

Watering issues

Too little or too much water can make the leaves of your Snake plant droopy. If you have recently watered your Snake plant and you notice droopy leaves, you might be dealing with an overwatering problem.

On the other hand, if you can’t remember the last time you watered your Mother-in-law’s plant, the leaves might be drooping due to under-watering. Examine the soil to determine the problem.

Improper lighting

While the Snake plant can tolerate various lighting conditions, its leaves will fall over when exposed to intense bright light or low light. Consider moving your plant to an ideal position to prevent the leaves from falling over.

You can move your plant from a dark corner to a position near a well-lit window. Alternatively, you can try to protect your plant from harsh sunlight using curtain sheers.

How do you know a Snake plant is stressed?

You know a Snake plant is stressed by examining your plant. A Snake plant might begin to show signs of stress by changing its appearance. Below are some stress signs you should look out for.

Narrow leaves

A Snake plant growing in low-light conditions might attempt to reach a light source by growing long and stretchy. These leaves look unappealing and affect your plant’s health. If your plant has stretchy leaves, consider moving it to a spot with ample lighting.

Droopy leaves

If your Snake plant’s leaves suddenly fall over, the plant could be stressed. The most common causes of droopy leaves include overwatering, under-watering, insufficient light, and too much light. If your plant has droopy or bent leaves, consider examining it. Try to provide ideal growing conditions to keep your plant healthy.

Wrinkly leaves

If your Snake plant has deformed or wrinkly leaves, it might be stressed. Pests are the most common cause of wrinkly leaves. Fungal diseases can also cause deformed leaves. Examine your plant to check for any pests and signs of disease.

Snake plants are low-maintenance indoor plants that you will enjoy growing indoors. These plants don’t require regular watering to survive. Besides, there are different types of snake plants you can select from depending on your taste and style. Some snake plant varieties are large while others are smaller. You can buy your indoor plants online at fair prices. For more information, get in touch with us today.

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