Tips for Propagating Houseplants

Tips for Propagating Houseplants: Unlock the Secrets of Plant Reproduction

Purchasing new houseplants to add to your collection is a good idea. However, it can be costly to buy plants when you can reproduce your current ones. With the right skills and techniques, you can easily multiply your indoor plants through propagation. There are different methods of propagating houseplants that you can use depending on the type of houseplant you have. In this article, we have covered various houseplant propagation methods along with several tips for propagating houseplants. Read on to find out.

Tips for propagating houseplants: How to propagate houseplants

Propagating houseplants is quite easy with the right techniques. There are different methods you can use to propagate houseplants depending on the type of plant you have. Some respond well to particular houseplant propagation methods than others. The following are some of the different propagation methods you can use.

How to propagate houseplants by division

Multi-stemmed houseplants can easily be divided into new houseplants. You can propagate houseplants by dividing them into separate clumps. The best time to divide your houseplant is during spring when it is more likely to grow. Here is how you propagate houseplants by division.

  • Gently remove your plant from its pot and inspect the root ball
  • The best part to divide should have healthy roots
  • Carefully tug the plant and pull the roots apart
  • Ensure each clump has healthy roots
  • Plant the separate clumps in fresh-well draining soil
  • Water your plant and place it near a source of bright indirect sunlight
  • You should begin to see new growth after your plants are established

The best houseplants to propagate by division include:

  • Ferns
  • ZZ plant
  • Peace Lily
  • Snake plant

How to propagate houseplants from cuttings

It is easy to propagate houseplants from leaf, stem, and root cuttings. Below is how you propagate houseplants from cuttings.

Root cuttings

Propagation of houseplants using root cuttings is an effective way of creating healthy houseplants. The best time to take root cuttings from your houseplant is during the dormant late winter period.

During this time, the roots have enough stored energy and are likely to spring new growth successfully. When using root cuttings, choose healthy roots that are pencil-thick. Here is how to propagate houseplants using root cuttings.

  • Remove your houseplant from its pot
  • Using a sharp knife, cut a section of the root that is about 3 to 6 inches long
  • Cut the root at an angle to help you easily identify the freshly cut end
  • Plant your root cutting in fresh potting soil about ½ an inch deep
  • You can either lay the cutting horizontally or plant it vertically in potting soil
  • Place your cuttings in a warm place with adequate lighting
  • Water your root cutting to keep the soil lightly moist

Some common houseplants that you can propagate using root cuttings include:

  • Philodendron
  • Monstera
  • Pothos
  • Snake plant

Stem cuttings

Houseplant propagation can be done easily using stem cuttings. Below is how to propagate houseplants using stem cuttings.

  • Cut a section of a stem that is about 3 to 6 inches long from your plant
  • Your cutting should be at a 45-degree angle to increase the surface area for root development
  • Your cutting should include at least 1 growth node and 2 leaves
  • A node is a bump on a stem where leaves grow
  • Remove the lower leaves from your cutting
  • Dip your stem cutting in rooting hormone
  • Plant your cutting in fresh potting soil with the cut end below the soil’s surface
  • Water your cutting and place it in a location with adequate lighting
  • Roots should develop in a few weeks

The following are some common indoor plants that you can easily propagate using stem cuttings.

  • Dracaena
  • African Violets
  • Prayer plant
  • Philodendron
  • Pothos

Leaf cuttings

You can easily propagate some houseplants using leaf cuttings. Here is how you can successfully propagate your houseplant using leaf cuttings.

  • Cut off a leaf from your plant and let the cut area dry out for a few days
  • Dip the cut end in a houseplant propagation promoter and rooting hormone
  • Plant your leaf cutting with the raw end a few inches into the soil
  • Ensure most of your leaf is above the soil’s surface
  • Lightly water your cutting and keep it in a spot that receives bright indirect light
  • New growth should develop in about 2 to 3 weeks

Some houseplants respond better to leaf cuttings than others. The following are common houseplants that you can propagate using leaf cuttings.

  • Snake plant
  • Echeveria
  • Jade plant
  • Begonia
  • Christmas Cactus

How to propagate houseplants by air layering

Layering is another effective houseplant propagation method you can use to create new houseplants. This method involves encouraging root growth from the stem of your houseplant. Layering works well with woody plants. Below is how to propagate houseplants by air layering.

  • Make a cutting halfway into your plant’s stem
  • Your cutting should be below a node where you want roots to develop
  • Use a toothpick to hold your cutting open and dust the cutting with rooting hormone
  • Place sphagnum moss around the cutting and use plastic wrap to hold the moss in place
  • Mist the sphagnum moss to keep it moist
  • New roots should develop within the sphagnum moss
  • Separate the roots from the stem and plant them in fresh fast-draining soil

The best houseplants to propagate by air layering include:

  • Dieffenbachia
  • Rubber plant
  • Schefflera
  • Pothos
  • Croton

How to propagate houseplants from pups

Some plants like the Spider plant and Aloe plant produce pups that can be used to propagate new houseplants. This houseplant propagation method involves separating the offshoots from the parent plant and potting them independently. Here is how you propagate a houseplant from offshoots.

  • Remove your plant from its potting media
  • Gently pull apart the pup with healthy roots attached from the parent plant
  • Ensure your pup has enough roots
  • Plant the pup in fresh well-draining soil and keep the soil lightly moist
  • Place your plant near a window with adequate lighting
  • Lightly fertilize the offshoot to encourage growth

Some of the easiest houseplants to propagate using pups include:

  • Bromeliads
  • Aloe plants
  • Banana plants
  • Spider plants
  • Ponytail Palm plants

Propagating houseplants in water

Propagation of houseplants can easily be done using water. Below is how to propagate houseplants in water.

  • Make a 3-inch stem cutting just below the node
  • Place your cutting in a jar with clean water
  • Change the water every 3 to 5 days and add fresh water
  • Wait for roots to form
  • The duration of root formation will vary depending on the type of plant you have
  • Once the roots are 3 to 5 inches, you can transplant your cutting into fresh potting soil

You can successfully propagate several common houseplants in water namely:

  • Begonia plant
  • Spider plant
  • Christmas Cactus
  • Nerve plant
  • Monstera

Propagating houseplants in soil

You can propagate new houseplants successfully in soil. Several houseplant propagation methods like division, stem cuttings, and pups can be effective in soil. Below is how you propagate houseplants in soil.

  • Take a stem cutting, root cutting, or a pup from your parent plant
  • Fill a container with fresh potting soil
  • Plant your cuttings or pups in the soil
  • Lightly water your soil to keep it moist
  • Place your cutting or pup near a source of bright indirect lighting
  • Wait for roots to develop

Most houseplants are easy to propagate in soil. Some of these plants include:

  • Philodendron
  • Pothos
  • Snake plant
  • Chinese Evergreen
  • Rubber tree

Easiest houseplants to propagate

Several houseplants are relatively easy to propagate. These plants include:

Snake plant

Snake plant is one of the easiest plants you can propagate. This plant can be propagated using various methods such as division and leaf cuttings.

Rubber plant

Rubber plant is one of the best houseplants to propagate and sell. This beautiful houseplant can be propagated by air layering.

Spider plant

Spider plant is one of the easiest houseplants to propagate. This plant produces plantlets that you can easily use to create new houseplants.


Different Pothos plant varieties are easy to propagate. You can use stem cuttings to easily propagate a Pothos plant.

Tips for propagating houseplants

We have covered several tips for propagating houseplants below to help you create new plants successfully.

Choose healthy specimens

When propagating your houseplant using stem cuttings, leaf cuttings, or root cuttings, always examine your plant. Select the healthiest roots, stems, and leaves to reproduce new plants.

Use clean tools

When propagating houseplants, always use clean tools. Ensure you use a clean knife or scissors to make cuttings. After using your tools, clean them and store them in a clean place. Dirty tools can transfer diseases to your houseplants.

Use a houseplant propagation promoter

To increase your chances of success when propagating new houseplants, use a houseplant propagation promoter. This rooting promoter encourages new growth.

Keep humidity levels up

Cuttings require high humidity levels to encourage growth. You can use a humidifier to increase humidity indoors. Alternatively, you can regularly mist your cutting to raise humidity levels.  


Propagating houseplants is an inexpensive way of adding more plants to your indoor space. You can also manage the size of your current houseplants and keep them looking neat by dividing them into separate plants. Division, stem cuttings, root cuttings, and air layering are some reliable houseplant propagation methods you can use. For more assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us today.

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