ZZ Plant

ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

Varieties, Benefits, and How to Care Guide

Do you want to add a little greenery to your home? A ZZ plant might be the ideal solution. We understand that taking care of houseplants can be hectic, especially with a busy schedule. The good news is, the ZZ plant does not require too much of your attention. You can easily cater to other pressing issues without worrying about the health of your plant. keep reading to find out more.

What is a ZZ plant?

The ZZ plant also known as the Zanzibar Gem is a popular houseplant native to East Africa. This plant is popular due to its ability to withstand various conditions. The ZZ plant can tolerate low-light conditions and does not require frequent watering making it ideal for beginners. The plant has a unique appearance that enhances the aesthetic appeal of your home.

The plant has wide waxy leaves with a deep green color. The plant is often mistaken for an artificial plant due to its attractive glossy foliage. However, some ZZ varieties have captivating variegated leaves. You can choose an ideal ZZ plant variety that aligns with your needs. Try to evaluate different varieties of ZZ plants online to make an informed decision.

How big do ZZ plants get?

Most ZZ plant varieties can reach anywhere from 2 to 5 feet tall and wide. The growth rate of ZZ plants depends on several factors such as the growing conditions, and variety. Some ZZ varieties might remain smaller than others.

A ZZ plant with favorable growing conditions might grow larger than one in poor growing conditions. Remember to regularly water your ZZ plant and provide sufficient lighting to boost growth.  

Do ZZ plants flower?

Yes, ZZ plants produce white blooms near the base of the stems. A ZZ flower has a spathe and spadix in shades of creamy white, light green, or yellow. However, ZZ plants rarely flower and are commonly grown for their striking foliage. A ZZ plant begins to flower when it is about 5 to 6 years old.

Can ZZ plants live outside?

Yes. ZZ plants can live outside provided the growing conditions are right. USDA growing zones 10 to 12 would be ideal for ZZ plants. Most ZZ plants prefer bright indirect light to thrive.

Direct bright sunlight can scorch your plant’s leaves. Your ZZ plant will survive outdoors in temperatures above 40˚C. Be sure to grow your plant in an area with filtered light and fast-draining soil.

Is ZZ plant a good indoor plant?

Yes! The ZZ plant is definitely a great indoor plant. This resilient houseplant can tolerate mild drought and low-light conditions. ZZ plants thrive with minimal care and maintenance. Besides, a ZZ plant adds character to your indoor space.

What are the benefits of ZZ plant?

The ZZ plant has several benefits. The following are some benefits of growing a ZZ plant indoors.

Improves mental health

ZZ plants add a calming and relaxing effect indoors helping you feel less anxious. These plants lift your moods and enhance your overall mental well-being. Working in a room with a ZZ plant can improve your focus and help you get more creative ideas.

Enhances aesthetics

The ZZ plant is an eye-catching plant that adds splendor to any space. This plant will truly transform your home and add a tropical vibe with its lush foliage. You can look for an ideal spot in your home to place your attractive plant.

Improves indoor air quality

There is nothing quite as calming as a deep breath of fresh air. When it comes to improving indoor air quality, the ZZ plant comes in handy. Some toxins can remain indoors causing allergies and health issues. This plant removes toxins from the air providing you with clean air.

ZZ plant varieties

There are different varieties of the ZZ plant that you can grow indoors. Different ZZ plant types have varying characteristics. Below are the different types of ZZ plants you can consider growing in your home.

Regular ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

The Regular ZZ plant is the most common ZZ plant variety. This plant has attractive oval medium-green leaves that add a bold look to your home. The plant is quite easy to maintain and you can easily find it online. 

Raven ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia Raven)

Also known as the Dark Beauty, the Raven ZZ plant would make a wonderful addition to your indoor plant collection. The plant is popular for its unique foliage that adds a bold and dramatic effect to any space. The plant has glossy dark-green leaves that turn darker as the plant ages. The Raven ZZ plant is a slow-grower that can reach up to 30 inches tall.

Variegata ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia Variegata)

The Variegata ZZ plant is one of the variegated ZZ plant varieties. This plant will brighten up your home with its bright-colored foliage. The Variegata ZZ plant has green variegated leaves with yellow and white shades. There are different varieties of the Variegata ZZ plant including the Lucky White ZZ plant, the Gold Variegated ZZ plant, and more.

Dwarf Zamicro ZZ plant

The Dwarf Zamicro ZZ plant would be perfect if you don’t have ample space to keep a large ZZ plant. The Zamicro ZZ plant is a tiny houseplant that grows up to 2 feet tall. This rare ZZ plant variety features small oval dark-green leaves that improve the ambiance of your home.

Lucky Classic ZZ plant

If you are looking for a unique plant, the Lucky Classic ZZ plant would be the ideal choice. Unlike other ZZ plant varieties, the Lucky Classic has slightly rounded leaves that give it a unique appearance. The plant’s leaves are glossy and have a medium green color.

Lucky Giant ZZ plant

The Lucky Giant ZZ plant is one of the large ZZ plant varieties that can grow up to 4 feet tall. This big ZZ plant has narrower and longer leaves than other ZZ plant varieties. The Lucky Giant ZZ would be a perfect choice if you have plenty of space in your home.

Dwarf Zenzi ZZ plant

The Dwarf Zenzi ZZ plant is an ideal ornamental plant that can fit in small spaces. The Dwarf Zenzi plant is a compact-sized ZZ variety that reaches between 12 and 14 inches tall. This plant has shiny dark-green leaves that are slightly curled at the edges. The plant’s foliage is dense making the plant appear chunky.

ZZ Akebono

The ZZ Akebono plant is one of the rare ZZ plant varieties. The plant’s name Akebono is a Japanese word that means the color of the sky at dawn. The ZZ Akebono plant has a distinctive appearance with leaves that appear white, yellow, or cream and eventually turn green as the plant matures.

Supernova ZZ plant

Also known as the ZZ Raven Purple-Black, the Supernova ZZ plant is a popular ZZ plant variety with a distinctive appearance. This plant has glossy green leaves that become dark purple or black as the plant matures. The Supernova ZZ plant is a slow-growing plant that reaches up to 30 inches long.

Bitkisi ZZ

The Bitkisi ZZ plant is a unique ZZ plant variety that can add personality to your home. This plant has green glossy leaves that turn dark green as the plant matures. The Bitkisi can grow up to 30 inches tall. This plant can adapt to different conditions making it a low-maintenance plant.

How to care for ZZ plants

ZZ plants are relatively easy to care for. These plants can adapt to various conditions and don’t require too much attention. Below is how to care for ZZ plants.

ZZ plant water

Like other plants, the ZZ plant needs water to survive. ZZ plants have rhizomes that store water making the plant drought-resistant. If you often forget to water your plants, growing a ZZ plant would be the ideal choice.

How to water ZZ plant

Using a watering can or a container, water your ZZ plant near the base of its stems. Water the soil uniformly until it becomes moist and allow excess water to drain out. Alternatively, you can water your ZZ plant from below.

Place your plant in a saucer with water and allow the soil to soak in moisture for some time, preferably 10 to 20 minutes. Be careful not to overwater your plant. Overwatering causes root rot that eventually kills your plant. Water your plant just enough to keep the soil moist.

When to water ZZ plant

The ideal time to water your plant is when the soil is completely dry. Use your finger to test the soil for moisture. If the soil feels dry to the touch, water your plant. When your ZZ plant is under-watered, it might begin to drop its leaves or develop brown leaf tips. If you notice any of these signs, you should check the soil for dryness. If the soil is dry, water your plant to help it recover.

How often do you water a ZZ plant?

How often to water a ZZ plant depends on some factors such as the intensity of sunlight, and season. During spring and summer, you are likely to water your plant more frequently than in the winter. This is because, during spring or summer, your plant is actively growing and needs more water to thrive.

On the other hand, during winter, the ZZ plant becomes dormant and requires little water. When you place your plant near a bright indirect light source, it will dry out quicker than a ZZ plant in a shaded corner.

How long can a ZZ plant go without water?

On average, a ZZ plant can survive 2 to 3 weeks without water. However, this duration can vary depending on the growing conditions. During winter your plant might go longer without water than in spring or summer. A ZZ plant in low-light conditions can survive longer without water than one in bright-light conditions.

ZZ plant light

Most ZZ plants can tolerate different lighting conditions indoors. Your plant will thrive in bright indirect light and can also tolerate low-light conditions. However, you should protect your plant from intense direct sunlight that can scorch its foliage.

Where should I place a ZZ plant in my house?

The best location for your ZZ plant depends on the lighting conditions in your house. If your house receives plenty of sunlight, the best spot would be near a south-facing or west-facing window that receives bright sunlight.

You can use curtain sheers to shield your plant from bright indirect sunlight. A ZZ plant will also be fine near an east-facing window that receives bright to medium sunlight. Your ZZ plant will also survive in low-light conditions near a north-facing window. 

Does ZZ plant need full sun?

No, ZZ plants can’t tolerate the harsh rays of full sunlight. When exposed to bright direct sunlight for a long time, your ZZ plant will get scorched and begin to develop yellow leaves. If your plant is getting too much sunlight, consider moving it to a shaded location. 

Can a ZZ plant survive in a dark room?

Yes. A ZZ plant can survive in a dark room. However, when left in shaded conditions for too long, your plant might begin to lose its leaves and appear stretchy. If your home is dark, you can always use artificial lighting to ensure your ZZ plant remains healthy.

ZZ plant soil type

Well-draining soil is the best type of soil for a ZZ plant. You can use regular potting soil or a peat-based soil mix to plant your ZZ plant. To examine drainage, water your plant and check how fast the soil drains water.

Is regular potting soil OK for a ZZ plant?

Yes. Your ZZ plant will do just fine in regular potting soil. this plant is not too picky when it comes to soil. We recommend adding cactus soil to your potting mix to enhance drainage. Fast-draining soil prevents waterlogging that might otherwise lead to root rot. 

ZZ plant humidity and temperature

ZZ plants are not too demanding when it comes to temperature and humidity. Average household temperature and humidity is ideal for most ZZ plants. In case the air becomes too dry, you can use a humidifier to increase humidity indoors.

What is the best temperature for a ZZ plant?

Most ZZ plants survive in room temperature conditions. However, you should ensure the temperature does not fall below 45 degrees. Low temperatures cause stunted growth making your plant look unhealthy. Try to keep your plant away from drafty windows and doors.

ZZ plant fertilizer

Unlike other houseplants, a ZZ plant can survive without fertilizer provided the growing conditions are ideal indoors.

Do ZZ plants need fertilizer?

ZZ plants don’t require regular feeding to flourish. However, if your plant is not growing, you can boost its growth by feeding it about twice annually. Use a diluted balanced liquid fertilizer to feed your ZZ plant. Diluting the fertilizer prevents over-fertilization.

Re-potting ZZ plant

With time, your ZZ plant will outgrow its container. When this happens, you can re-pot your plant in a larger container to ensure healthy growth.

How to repot a ZZ plant

It is relatively easy to re-pot a ZZ plant. However, you should be careful not to damage your plant’s roots. Below is how you re-pot a ZZ plant.

  • Gently remove your plant from its pot
  • Loosen the root ball carefully using your fingers
  • Examine your plant for damaged roots and trim them off
  • Pick a slightly larger container with enough drainage holes

Using fresh well-draining potting soil, pot your ZZ plant

When to repot a ZZ plant

Most ZZ plant varieties need to be repotted every 2 to 3 years depending on the rate of growth. Several signs that will let you know when to repot your ZZ plant. some of these signs include:

  • Roots protruding from the drainage holes or soil’s surface
  • Cracks on the pot
  • Plant begins to lose its leaves
  • The leaves begin to turn yellow
  • The plant appears too large for its pot
  • The leaves begin to droop

Does a ZZ plant like to be root bound?

No, ZZ plants don’t like to be root bound. ZZ plants grow from rhizomes that require plenty of space. When the rhizomes are cramped up in a small space, your ZZ plant becomes stunted. The risk of diseases also increases. Consider repotting your ZZ plant when it outgrows its container.

Re-potting a ZZ plant depends on the rate of growth. If you notice rhizomes pressing against the sides of your pot, it is the right time to re-pot your ZZ plant. When re-potting your plant, use a pot that is slightly larger than your current one. Use fresh soil and ensure the pot has enough drainage holes.

Propagating ZZ plant

You can propagate a new ZZ plant using stem cuttings or through division. The most ideal method of propagating a new ZZ Plant is through division. Stem cuttings take longer to develop new roots.

When to propagate a ZZ plant

The ideal time to propagate a ZZ plant is during spring or summer when growth is likely to occur. During these seasons, the weather is warmer and your cuttings are likely to be more successful.

How to propagate ZZ plant

You can easily propagate your ZZ plant by division. Here is how to propagate a ZZ plant.

  • Divide the plant’s rhizomes and ensure the rhizomes have at least one leaf stalk
  • Plant the clumps in fresh soil
  • Keep the plant near an adequate lighting source
  • Water your plant regularly

ZZ plant Toxicity

Before planting a ZZ plant indoors, you should first determine whether it can be poisonous to you, your loved ones, or pets. ZZ plants are poisonous and toxic to cats, dogs, and humans. The plants contain calcium oxalate, a substance that irritates the lips, mouth, throat, and tongue.

The plant also irritates the skin and you should always wear protective gear when handling the plant. The ZZ plant is not safe for cats and you should keep the plant away from your pets.

Are ZZ plants toxic to dogs?

Yes. ZZ plants are toxic to dogs. These plants contain substances called calcium oxalates that are poisonous to dogs. This plant causes skin irritation to your dog when touched. The plant also causes diarrhea, vomiting, and gastrointestinal irritation.

Are ZZ plants toxic to cats?

Yes. Not only are ZZ plants toxic to dogs but also cats. These plants cause skin irritation when touched and gastrointestinal issues like vomiting when ingested. If you have a cat, try to keep your ZZ plant out of reach

Is it okay to touch ZZ plant?

No. We don’t recommend touching a ZZ plant using bare hands. The ZZ plant contains substances that cause skin irritation when touched by cats, dogs, or humans. It would be best to wear gloves when handling your ZZ plant.

FAQS About Zanzibar Gem

Why is my ZZ plant turning yellow?

There are several reasons your ZZ plant could be turning yellow. Some of these reasons include:


When your ZZ plant has too much moisture, its leaves begin to turn yellow. The leaves also appear limp and droopy. To avoid this, you should only water your plant when the soil feels completely dry. Ensure the soil is slightly moist but not wet and let the excess water drain out.


Direct bright sunlight can scorch your plant’s leaves making them turn yellow. Low-light conditions also make your ZZ plant begin to turn yellow. To prevent your plant from developing yellow leaves, provide ample lighting conditions. If your plant begins to turn yellow, consider moving it to a spot with enough light.

What is the lifespan of a ZZ plant?

How long a ZZ plant lives depends on the level of care it gets. Your ZZ plant can live anywhere from 10 years or longer under the right growing conditions. Consider providing enough water, lighting, temperature, and humidity to extend the life of your plant.

How do I know if my ZZ plant is healthy?

You can easily tell if your ZZ plant is healthy by examining its appearance. Check its leaves and stems. A healthy ZZ plant should have beautiful richly-colored leaves and stems. If the leaves appear discolored or droopy, your plant might have an issue.

ZZ plants are drought-resistant plants that will grow in various conditions. ZZ plants are also available in different options you can choose from depending on your needs. A variegated ZZ plant will add more color to your home while a solid-color ZZ plant provides the minimalistic look you have been looking for. For more assistance, get in touch with us to get the conversation started.

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